The trigger that I have recently set up has wait step as step 1 as the email series starts after 5 days post sign up. However, it is not working as everyone so far has skipped all the steps in the flow and there is no one in the wait step but they do qualify to receive these triggers.
Is it fine to start the flow with a wait step?
This is how the Flow looks like:
Step 1 - Wait - Date Token - 5 days after the create date
Step 2 - Send Email - If member of "list" send the email 1
Step 3 - Remove from Flow - if member of "List X"
Step 4 - Wait - Date Token - 10 days after the create date
Step 5 - Send Email - If member of "list" send the email 2
Step 6 - Remove from Flow - if member of "List X"
Step 7 - Wait - Date Token - 23 days after the create date
Step 8 - Send Email - If member of "list" send the email 3
Are you sure you're setting the Create Date value before trying to use it here?
The create date is not actually the Marketo lead create date but its another field(account create date from another system) that comes in through API when lead is added to Marketo. So the logic is that any user whose "xyz create date" is after Oct 12th, 2017 and have empty "transaction date" should be eligible for this trigger email 1 and should enter the flow.
The create date is not actually the Marketo lead create date
I didn't say it was.
So the logic is that any user whose "xyz create date" is after Oct 12th, 2017 and have empty "transaction date" should be eligible for this trigger email 1 and should enter the flow.
This makes sense on its own, but I suspect there's something wrong in the way you're setting and getting this date field.
How are you having the field "come in through API"? Is it it done at exactly the same time the lead is added? Is that constraint (XYZ Create Date is after 2017-10-12) in the Smart List literally for this trigger SC? Can you please show a screenshot of that tab?