Trigger Campaigns track in AB testing Email program

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Level 2

Re: Trigger Campaigns track in AB testing Email program

yeah sure, we can. Thank you!!

Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Trigger Campaigns track in AB testing Email program

We were able to figure this out! There was an issue with the email name in the trigger.


When an A/B test is added to an email in the email send program, Marketo renames it as <Program Name.Name of Test>. I've always known that the test name gets added to the email name as <Program Name.Email Name.Email Test Name>, i.e, the email name is preserved and not replaced by the test name itself, but it's otherwise now.

Level 2

Re: Trigger Campaigns track in AB testing Email program

Yes, Thank you So much!!.

And additionally,
I just tested on my end. Seems like in this case, we will need to approve the email program first and then to go and update the trigger set up (only then we are able to get the email name with the subject line extn.. listed) and activate the triggers after the email program is set to schedule. 

Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Trigger Campaigns track in AB testing Email program

Indeed it would be good to see what your smart list in the smart campaigns in particular looks like. One thing I suspect is that you referenced the email with the explicit "is". However, with an A/B test, the activity is logged against the two versions of the email, putting an extension to the name of the email. So you would need to use "starts with" rather than "is" to capture both versions.

Level 5

Re: Trigger Campaigns track in AB testing Email program

Is it all triggers that are not working? Or only the "delivered" one? Because everyone who is sent to email is automatically a member of your program, so they might not show in that first smart campaign if their program status was already the first value. 

Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Trigger Campaigns track in AB testing Email program

@EllenSchwier, none of the campaigns were firing because of an error in the email name. See my reply in the comment above. If you ask me, Marketo should not replace the email name with the test name rather, it should add the test name as a suffix to the email name.