Re: Trigger an Alert to a linked Person record

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Level 1

Trigger an Alert to a linked Person record



My database has records that share an ID in common in a Person Field.

  • For example,
    • the Person field 'Grocery Store ID' has a value of 123 on Sam's Person record.
    • the Person field 'Grocery Store ID' has a value of 123 on Bill's Person record.
  • There is also a Person field on both records called "# of Oranges Sold". 

Is there a way to trigger an email to send (like Send an Alert) to someone based on a Data Value Change? 

  • Using the example,
    • if Sam's field value in "# of Oranges Sold" changes to '10', an email would be triggered to send to Bill.
      • The data value change would trigger the flow.
      • An email would be sent.
      • Marketo would recognize the linked Store ID between the 2 person records, and use it to send the email out. 
      • Essentially, anyone that shares Sam's Store ID in common, would get an email. 
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Accepted Solutions
Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Trigger an Alert to a linked Person record

Can't make a direct suggestion due to community guidelines. But it could be a general webhook-as-code framework, or one custom-built 'hook (AWS Lambda, Azure Function, etc.). Very easy to write either way, but won’t write itself!


  • fire the hook for any lead that receives the change
  • code calls the REST API to get a list of all leads with a matching custom field value (Get Multiple Leads by Filter Type)
  • exclude the current lead from the list
  • fire Push Lead for all the other leads, or alternately add a Custom Activity for all the others — either one is triggerable


View solution in original post

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Trigger an Alert to a linked Person record

This isn’t possible unless you use a webhook-compatible service to help.


We do a lot of stuff like this, querying for other leads in the same “lead group” as a lead (not a formal CRM Account relationship, that’s why we think of it more like an abstract grouping). But it’s not something Marketo can do with just a regular flow step, because leads don’t cross-communicate like that.

Level 1

Re: Trigger an Alert to a linked Person record

Thank you so much Sanford. Appreciate the feedback. Is there a webhook-service you would recommend? Especially for a newbie to webhooks, in general. 

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Trigger an Alert to a linked Person record

Can't make a direct suggestion due to community guidelines. But it could be a general webhook-as-code framework, or one custom-built 'hook (AWS Lambda, Azure Function, etc.). Very easy to write either way, but won’t write itself!


  • fire the hook for any lead that receives the change
  • code calls the REST API to get a list of all leads with a matching custom field value (Get Multiple Leads by Filter Type)
  • exclude the current lead from the list
  • fire Push Lead for all the other leads, or alternately add a Custom Activity for all the others — either one is triggerable


Level 1

Re: Trigger an Alert to a linked Person record

Thank you again, Sanford (and Jo!)

Level 10 - Community Advisor

Re: Trigger an Alert to a linked Person record

@yourenicdris ,

Flowboost is the tool you need to be looking at. 


