Transition Rules - Streams - Nurture Program

Level 2

Transition Rules - Streams - Nurture Program

Hi all,
Hoping to get some opinions on a nurture campaign I hope to set-up through the use of streams.

I have a rough diagram below.  (Excuse my lack of design skills).  

All leads that qualify to be added to the engagement program via the flow will need to get the same emails in stream 1.  Only specific leads need to get the content in the second stream.  I have created a smart list that contains all leads that need to receive this email.

Is there a way that I can achieve the below through the use of Transition Rules in streams? 

Thank you all.



Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Transition Rules - Streams - Nurture Program

Transition rules need at least one trigger, but your smart list (based on which you want to transition people) would not have one, neither you could have a Added to SL trigger. To tackle this, you’d need to create a nurture operation smart campaign that selectively transitions people based on their smart list membership. You could use Change Engagement Program Stream flow step in the smart campaign. This of course would be a batch campaign that you either run when manually or schedule it to transition people. Let us know if you have questions. 

Level 10

Re: Transition Rules - Streams - Nurture Program

@Darshil_Shah1 wrote:

Transition rules need at least one trigger

Is that so? One more reason to not use the built-in Transition Rules, but to organize your EP transitions in "external" Smart Campaigns. Then you don't need a trigger, but can run these transitions as re-curring batches, e.g. one hour before the EP schedule sends.

Like this:


These Smart Campaigns can be triggers, but they don't need to be.


Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Transition Rules - Streams - Nurture Program

@Michael_Florin wrote:

@Darshil_Shah1 wrote:

Transition rules need at least one trigger

Is that so?


Yes! Check out the snapshot of the transition rule config window in Marketo. 


I always prefer the smart campaigns to manage the stream transitions as they're far more customizable and also help view the results of execution in one place in the results tab.