Hi Josh, I'm not familier with RCA, but I was able to get this information with the following process:
1. I created a custom number field in SF (under leads) and synced it to Marketo
2. I changed the field type from integer to score - This is the only way to add value to fields
3. I added a smart campaign to a program with the following specification:
Smart List: Trigger - Progression status is changed (in our case, progression status that is changed to anything ONCE will trigger this campaign)
Flow: Change Score - "Number of Campaigns" (custom field) Change +1
Additional step that we used is "New Names" per SFDC Campaign. To aggregate the results in SFDC campaign, you can use this article: http://www.smarketingblog.com/bid/70369/Salesforce-measuring-lead-re-conversions-using-the-Campaign-object it requires creation of custom field on Campaign members, a rollup summary field on campaigns and a workflow rule
It seems to do the trick...the other way is adding some triggers (apex code) to leads and contacts , and I tried to avoid that;)