Re: Total Sent Emails Doesn't Match Total List Members

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Total Sent Emails Doesn't Match Total List Members

Hi, I have sent an email to two lists: an uploaded list (500) and a smart list of existing marketo leads (46,000).

When I checked the qualified leads before sending the total number was satisfactory, but now that I have sent out the email it is saying that sending was complete to only 24,679 emails. And the uploaded list was not included although I checked it before sending, and my injected email address was there but I didn't receive the email on that address.

How is this being claculated? and what happened to the other 22k odd emails? why aren't they being sent?

I checked for duplicates, invaluids, etc and 46k were qualified. Whare am I going wrong?

Thank you 🙂
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Level 7

Re: Total Sent Emails Doesn't Match Total List Members

Answering this question for your specific case would require some troubleshooting in your instance - you may want to contact tech support, if you need help to do this.

A few things to consider:

- If any of your lists include duplicates, Marketo emailed to only one of those duplicates. Marketo always de-dupes within the same batches of emails.

- If any of the leads on your lists were black listed, unsubscribed, marketing suspended, had an invalid email address, or no email address, those may have been part of your initial count but did not end-up receiving an email.

To prevent the latter, I like to create a Segmentation called "Marketable Leads". I call the main segment simply "Marketable", and add the following filters (Filter Rule: Use ALL Filters):

- Black Listed is false
- Unsubscribed is false
- Marketing Suspended is false
- Email Invalid is false
- Email is not empty
- Email contains @

Once the segmentation has been approved and completed to assign leads, you can add a filter to the Smart List of your send email campaign, limiting it to Marketable Leads only. As a result, under the scheduling tab you should never see more than "0" leads that cannot receive an email, and those will be excluded from your count of qualified leads.

However, this does not prevent duplicates from being counted.

PS: If you don't have Segmentations, you can create yourself a Smart List "Marketable Leads" with the same filters, and use a "Member of Smart List" filter instead. However, if you have both, you should definitely use a Segmentation for this - Segmentations are a lot faster than Smart Lists.


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Re: Total Sent Emails Doesn't Match Total List Members

I agree with Nicole.

Another thing to consider along with the above is communication limits... the leads may fall into the limits.
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Re: Total Sent Emails Doesn't Match Total List Members

Hey - any solution on this? I'm having the same issue. Checked all this:

- Black Listed is false

     - Unsubscribed is false

     - Marketing Suspended is false

     - Email Invalid is false

     - Email is not empty

     - Email contains @

and checked that communication limits haven't been reached.