Re: Tokens causing formatting error, super confused

Not applicable

Tokens causing formatting error, super confused

Hi guys

Adding some pretty basic tokens into my emails and having some formatting errors.

In the editor, I see no formatting errors at all. I've attached a screenshot here as well, but it just looks like "Join {{My.Webinar Name}} on {{My.Date}} at {My.Time}} and don't be late"

But, when I preview it, I get:

Join MyWebinarName

on MyDate

at MyTime and don't be late

My token settings appear pretty normal (hard to mess them up it seems?) but apparently something is off here.

Can you help?


AndrewTokens in editor, no spaces or errors.pngToken HTML Formatting Error.pngToken Settings.png

Tags (1)
Level 9 - Champion Alumni

Re: Tokens causing formatting error, super confused

You are using Rich text tokens and this is most likely what is creating the issue. Try using plain text tokens - that should solve the issue. 

Level 10

Re: Tokens causing formatting error, super confused

Alex is right! Rich text tokens are wrapping the values in paragraph tags, which is creating the line breaks. If you use text tokens instead, it won't automatically wrap your tokens in <p></p>, so it'll be on the same line.

Level 10

Re: Tokens causing formatting error, super confused

Hi Andrew,

Is your email inside a program that is synched with a webinar from launchpoint partner ? These tokens only get values under this conditions.


Level 10

Re: Tokens causing formatting error, super confused

Are you seeing this when you send yourself a sample? It might just be that you're previewing and they aren't being pulled in properly.

Not applicable

Re: Tokens causing formatting error, super confused

How do I switch from rich text to plaintext tokens?

The only options I see are rich-text. Also, I need to make sure these tokens will correctly pull from GoToWebinar (the source of the token data). Can you confirm they'll still work?



Level 10

Re: Tokens causing formatting error, super confused

Hey Andrew, you will want to remove the old tokens and add new ones that are "Text" instead of "Rich Text"


In order to preserve what you've already done, I typically find it's easiest to rename the current tokens (maybe add a 1 or something to the end), then create new text tokens with the same name as the old token so that you don't have to redo any of the tokens in your existing program assets. Obviously you will want to test all of the assets where the tokens reside so that you can confirm that this is working properly. Hope this helps!