Re: Tokenized links rendering correctly on preview but not on real email

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Level 5

Tokenized links rendering correctly on preview but not on real email





I have been having an issue with links in some of our emails. The link contains an important parameter for an id that can be in two different fields but i don't know which, so I check both in the script token and get the first non-empty match. 


The link inside the email looks like this: 




The script token looks like this: 


## Returns the first populated Au Pair Id / Au pair
## from either the Lead, Contact, Account or Opportunity objects
## Define possible variables
## // Au Pair Number should be used instead of Au Pair ID,
## // since Au Pair ID can be different in Tellus sometimes 
#set($AupairNumber = "initial value")
#set($empty = "")
## Determine the first not empty value
#if(${lead.AP_Au_Pair_Number__c} != $empty)
#elseif(${company.AP_Au_Pair_Number__c} != $empty)
#elseif(${OpportunityList.get(0).Au_Pair__c} != $empty)
    #set($AupairNumber = "unknown")
## Return not empty value



And in preview renders correctly (valid url and 'apid' correclty rendered): 


But the real email either redirects to this in gmail when I click, before I replaced the first regular token with a splled-out url (url invalid)



Or this after replacing the initial regular token (url valid but 'apid' is now empty)



Any insights into why this is happening? I deactivated link tracking as well for this link, since I already noticed that breaks links with script tokens 
Perhaps you @SanfordWhiteman ?




Accepted Solutions
Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Tokenized links rendering correctly on preview but not on real email

Shouldn't compare to empty (nor use the == operator at all!) but rather use isEmpty():

## Returns the first populated Au Pair Id / Au pair
## from either the Lead, Contact, Account or Opportunity objects
## Define possible variables
## // Au Pair Number should be used instead of Au Pair ID,
## // since Au Pair ID can be different in Tellus sometimes 
#set($AupairNumber = "initial value")
## Determine the first not empty value
#if( $lead.AP_Au_Pair_Number__c.isEmpty() )
  #set( $AupairNumber = $lead.AP_Au_Pair_Number__c )
#elseif( $company.AP_Au_Pair_Number__c.isEmpty() )
  #set( $AupairNumber = $lead.Au_pair_number__c )
#elseif( $OpportunityList.get(0).isEmpty() )
  #set( $AupairNumber = $OpportunityList.get(0).Au_Pair__c )
  #set( $AupairNumber = "unknown" )
## Return not empty value


But that's not the problem — the prob is you must output the entire link, from <a> through </a> inclusive from Velocity. Links made partially from Velocity output aren't aren't supported.

View solution in original post

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Tokenized links rendering correctly on preview but not on real email

Shouldn't compare to empty (nor use the == operator at all!) but rather use isEmpty():

## Returns the first populated Au Pair Id / Au pair
## from either the Lead, Contact, Account or Opportunity objects
## Define possible variables
## // Au Pair Number should be used instead of Au Pair ID,
## // since Au Pair ID can be different in Tellus sometimes 
#set($AupairNumber = "initial value")
## Determine the first not empty value
#if( $lead.AP_Au_Pair_Number__c.isEmpty() )
  #set( $AupairNumber = $lead.AP_Au_Pair_Number__c )
#elseif( $company.AP_Au_Pair_Number__c.isEmpty() )
  #set( $AupairNumber = $lead.Au_pair_number__c )
#elseif( $OpportunityList.get(0).isEmpty() )
  #set( $AupairNumber = $OpportunityList.get(0).Au_Pair__c )
  #set( $AupairNumber = "unknown" )
## Return not empty value


But that's not the problem — the prob is you must output the entire link, from <a> through </a> inclusive from Velocity. Links made partially from Velocity output aren't aren't supported.

Level 5

Re: Tokenized links rendering correctly on preview but not on real email

Thanks so much for going over it Sanford! 

I'll redo things according to your feedback and see. 

Level 5

Re: Tokenized links rendering correctly on preview but not on real email

Sorry Sanford, now that I realize what I need is a "isNotEmpty()" if something like that exists. I had a lot of trouble with VTL documentation to find the correct way to say "is empty" or is null. 


There are different answers here:

#if ($foo == null)
foo is null

I don't think this worked at all in Marketo, feels like a different version of VTL ?

In here the approach was similar, but I think it also didn't work for me


In the official documentation I have trouble finding how to check for null


and also they mention this 


but you say not to use "==" so that left me quite confused