Token Object was Unchecked Automatically?

Level 9

Token Object was Unchecked Automatically?

I encountered an issue with a token I was modifying and wasn't sure if anyone else has encountered this problem.

I was editing some logic within an email signature token we created. After I updated the logic, I was having issues with some of the data points referenced within the token rendering correctly within our emails.  When I looked back at the token, one of the data points used within the token had been 'unchecked' from the right side integration settings, but I had not touched or modified those when making my updates to the logic.

I'm not sure if it's just user error on my part, or if there was a keystroke or shortcut that would trigger those data points to change, but wanted to see if anyone has any experience with something like this happening. 

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Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Token Object was Unchecked Automatically?

In years of using Velocity tokens, I can't say I've never been convinced that this happened spontaneously.

Level 4

Re: Token Object was Unchecked Automatically?

We have seen this happen a handful of times with our script tokens, but it has been when we clone programs using the APIs. So the program being cloned would have script tokens with certain objects checked off, but in the newly cloned program there would be some not checked that should have been. Marketo Support / Engineering was never able to get to the bottom of this or let us know what went wrong.