We made the move to a dedicated IP. It was a lot of work and a long process, but we've been seeing the benefits in our email deliverability rates since.
So reassuring to read this, Kevin. We're moving to a dedicated IP address next week and hoping all goes well!
We have about a year under our belt using our dedicated IP. With some preparation the launch went smooth and we saw an immediate improvement for us. Good luck, hope you guys see the same benefits!
Also great to hear, thanks Chris!
Universal Tokens! It was something I meant to do at my old company but never did. When I started this job in June, we developed new email templates (they were still on Email Editor 1.0 for some reason). At the same time, we created Universal Tokens for the footer and put them in the email templates. When I got to work today, I just updated the date in the Universal Token—no template editing or mass re-approving of emails!
Universal Tokens in Marketo – Are you using them? | Grazitti Interactive
Marketo-Fu - Episode 26: Universal Tokens - YouTube
Can script this out so there's no manual work moving forward.
#set($timeZoneObject = $date.getCalendar().getTimeZone())
$date.format("yyyy", $date.getDate(), $date.getLocale(), $timeZoneObject.getTimeZone("EST"))
Amy, you could create a script token with the following code and it'll do the trick. Danny Petrucci's is overall better though as it addresses timezones for those companies sending out emails near midnight.
Script Token:
When syncing data from Marketo to SFDC, it is important to control what data is synced, when data is synced, and how data is synced. Tips and considerations to increase sync speed:
Great tip!
Something that's saved us time and time again are data program alerts. Like many instances, we have numerous operational programs built for data management (appending, updating, etc.). We also have alert programs built to alert us (marketing ops) when data is missing and/or inappropriate for specific use cases. These alerts have allowed us to continue to evolve the programs and ensure our records are getting to the right people in a timely manner.