I am trying to test the send to friend token but I have not been successful. I used the "email action" "send sample" functionality. I am able to click on "send to a friend" and I get the box where I add who email is to go to. Then I get a successful send notice. However I am sending to myself and I never get the email.
I have found a document on my community that says you have to test by sending to yourself through "send email flow action" not "send test email" but since this is a one off email there is no flow step Any ideas?
Wouldnt your suggestion send the email to my lead? I am still in tetsing stage so I wanted email to come to me. i did use the lead email when I sent through "email actions send sample" then redirected email to me.
sorry not sure I understand... this is for a one off email, there is no flow step. how do I create a test flow? when you say "you@you.com" you just menat use my own email address right? i did test sending sample with a real lead that exsisted in Marketo then redirected to me but I never got the forwarded email