Hi, does anyone know if there is a way to test emails across clients? I hope this isn't a super obvious question I should already know the answer to.. but in Pardot, we were able to run thorough tests across all email and mobile clients and see how the emails rendered in each. I can't seem to find a similar functionality within Marketo, but maybe I'm not looking in the right place. Anybody know? Or do you use a separate tool for this?
We offer this as paid add-on to your subscription. Contact you account rep and inquire about the Email Deliverability Power Pack:
Hey Justin, what's that add-on cost?
I actually can't recall. Contact your rep for accurate pricing info. I think it varies based on how many renderings you want.
Hi Rebekah,
You can also use Litmus.com. By far not as complete as Marketo's solution, but very good at rendering.
Huge fan of Litmus. We're really happy with their product.
We use EmailOnAcid. It's cheap and it has an inbox. So you only have to add that email address to the test run of your emails and you would automatically receive a test report by email. It will contain snapshots of all device/os/client combinations you have chosen. And it has spam tests too. You could click any of the snapshot to get more details and even advise on how to improve the email.
We too use EmailOnAcid. At $45/month, you can't go wrong. For an additional fee, you can also use EoA for advanced email analytics (at least until Marketo provides something similar - hint, hint!). Even Marketo's own email deliverability service is quite reasonable - I think it's around $3,500/year. The benefit, of course, is that it's already integrated within the environment.
+1 for Litmus.