Hi All,
I am trying to create a smart campaign targeting visitors to a landing page which contains a form, but the visitor does not fill out the form. I would, then, like to send an alert email to our ISR team with the leads information and state that this lead visited the page and did not fill out the form. On the smart campaign, I am using a "Visits Webpage" trigger and a "Fills Out Form" (Is Not) trigger with a date of activity being in the past 1 day. I am filtering for all of these triggers and have created an email alert to send out once these triggers fire. I am hoping someone can give me some best practices or confirm that my approach will work. Thanks a lot.
Hi Josh
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Does anyone have ideas on this? Is it possible?
A Visits Web Page trigger, then a Wait step for whatever-delay-you-think-is-appropriate, then constrain on whether they've Filled Out Form.
It's not exact by any means, but then anything involving inactivity is inexact by its very nature. If someone visits the page on Day X then you don't know they won't fill out the form on Day X+1 when they get back to it. You can try tracking the unloading of the page but this is fraught with its own, er, fun.
Yes! Perfect, thank you so much!