Switching from iframes to embedded forms

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Switching from iframes to embedded forms

Hi All,

We are currently redeveloping our website and instead of using iframes for forms, we'll be embedding the forms instead (Drupal). My question is, are there any resources that explain how I can get a certain action to trigger via these forms. (Ex: Send a white paper when a form is filled out on a certain page) It's easy now with the iframes but will the API recognize "Form Filled Out" on "XYZ URL"? I feel like this is a pretty elementary question but I couldn't find anything on it.

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Re: Switching from iframes to embedded forms

Hi Ashley,

I'm not sure if the same filters would work for embedded forms (if filled out form on XYZ page, then...). However, you can always add a hidden value on the form to ensure that the right program picks up the form submission. My guess is that you are wanting to use one form in multiple locations?

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Switching from iframes to embedded forms

The trigger Fills Out Form will still work.

Sometimes people use the Constraint Referrer instead of on Page X. Should work either way.

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Re: Switching from iframes to embedded forms

Yes, we have about 5-6 forms that we'll use (one for white paper, one for demo, etc.) Adding a hidden value seems like it should do the trick.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Switching from iframes to embedded forms

You don't need a hidden value.  The web page on which the form was filled out is available as a trigger (for embedded forms as well).

Level 10

Re: Switching from iframes to embedded forms

Hi Ashley,

Are you using the Embed Code that's provided for all of your Marketo forms?  If so, then there shouldn't be any problem with your trigger campaigns reacting to these form fill outs.  The activity for the forms will be logged in your lead records, just like any other form in Marketo, and that's what the triggers in your campaigns will be looking for.


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Re: Switching from iframes to embedded forms

Yes, I'm not the technical one but we are using the embed code for all Marketo forms. Thanks!