Re: Super Weird Marketo - SFDC Sync Issue

Not applicable

Super Weird Marketo - SFDC Sync Issue

Hi guys,

So we hosted a webinar with GoToWebinar (no problem). The webinar was correctly synced with Marketo, so all of our registration information (attendees, no shows, etc) all correctly recorded into Marketo.

The event was also synced with a SFDC campaign. However, only some of the registration information synced correctly. So, while 38 people attended the webinar (and this is correctly recorded in both G2W and Marketo) only 23 people are listed in SFDC as "attended". The other 15 people are listed as "Invited".

The Marketo smartlist that leads to the "attended" SFDC status change is:

Program Status is Changed

Program IS our.program_name

Success: true

Any ideas?



Tags (1)
Level 10

Re: Super Weird Marketo - SFDC Sync Issue

Hi Andrew,

Here's a few things to consider:
1. Have you considered using the program to sfdc campaign sync, so statuses in the Marketo program sync with those in the SFDC campaign automatically, instead of relying on a separate smart campaign to make the change?
2. Did the leads in question not qualify for the campaign which is supposed to update their SFDC campaign status?

3. If you look at the activity logs of the leads in Marketo who are still marked as invited in SFDC, does it show any failed syncs to SFDC?


Not applicable

Re: Super Weird Marketo - SFDC Sync Issue

Hi Grant,

1- How does one structure that? Our program is an Event and it is synced with the SFDC campaign automatically - however, we have multiple different lead statuses within that campaign (Attended, Registered, No Show, Invited) and we have been using SmartLists to differentiate between those statuses (i.e. when initial invitation is sent -> Invited; when form-filled -> Registered, etc.).

2- There are no filters that would prevent them from qualifying.

3- surprisingly, the day before the event we had a failed sync for API limit. I'm not sure how we possibly could have hit our API call limit, but it looks like we did. How would that affect the event/sync?

Last question - I've gone to "Event" and re-synced with the SFDC campaign, yet the leads in SFDC aren't updating. Any ideas how I can get those leads to correctly sync with the Marketo lead status information?

Thanks again!


Level 1

Re: Super Weird Marketo - SFDC Sync Issue

ANDREW! Did you ever figure this out? We are seeing the same issue with a massive number of API calls to salesforce. We can't figure out what is going on. Similarly, we have been using gotowebinar recently. Not sure if that is a coincidence or not. Please let me know if this is something you ever figured out.


Thanks in advance, 


Level 10

Re: Super Weird Marketo - SFDC Sync Issue

Hi Andrew,

It may happen when the sync of the 15 leads broke during the campaign. If the leads cannot sync, their campaign membership cannot either, from what I have observed.

The sync may have broken for various reasons :

  • You are using a filtered sync (a "sync with Marketo" or similar field in SFDC filters which leads / contacts can sync) and the filter got activated (for instance, the field "sync with Marketo" was unchecked
  • Some validations rules in SFDC prevent you from updating the fields in SFDC from Marketo (e.g. Mandatory fields or specific required field values)
  • The leads/contacts were assigned to a user and your SFDC sharing model does not allow the Marketo user to access the record any longer.

Whatever the reason, they will show in the activity log of these fields. Drill down to one of the 15 leads and look at the activity log, the sync to SFDC steps will show a minimum info on the error.


Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Super Weird Marketo - SFDC Sync Issue

Did you use the Smart List or Program Member tab as

Member of Program IS X with Status Y,Z, A?

Be more specific here with your smart list. And +1 to others.

Not applicable

Re: Super Weird Marketo - SFDC Sync Issue

Apart from what Greg mentioned, and since you mentioned that you went over API limit recently, there might be other scenario.

Is your Marketo - SFDC sync pipe clogged with too many activities?

Was there a huge sync (unrelated to this one) going on?

Any large import?

Bulk lead updates?

I have seen in some cases that sync of a lead field change can take hours (or days) if there was a sync with huge that was triggered just before.

Reach out to Marketo support to see the Marketo -SFDC sync queue status.

Hope this helps


Not applicable

Re: Super Weird Marketo - SFDC Sync Issue

One other thought - do the Attendees that didn't sync have all of the SFDC required fields? I have had instances where a webinar attendee left company name blank (since one of their coworker "helpfully" forwarded the direct link to the webinar and they joined without a full registration through Marketo) and then that person couldn't be synced to SFDC.

I'd recommend using the SFDC Campaign Sync rather than a separate Smart Campaign in the future. I used to use separate Smart Campaigns (similar to the one you describe) and then when I tried using the Campaign Sync it made my life much simpler! Fewer moving parts

Not applicable

Re: Super Weird Marketo - SFDC Sync Issue

Can you explain to me specifically how to setup / use SFDC Campaign Sync? We have already synced our Event to SFDC at the event level, and are merely updating lead status from within the flows.


Level 10

Re: Super Weird Marketo - SFDC Sync Issue

Hi Andrew,

Go to the admin -> Salesforce and edit the sync options then check the box "Salesforce campaign sync".

Also make sure that the Marketo sync user has the "Marketing User" checkbox set in SFDC.

From there, you will be able to sync all programs either with existing campaigns or creating new ones from Marketo. For this, go to a program summary page and hit the "Salesforce Campaign Sync" link.

NB: if you want to sync with existing campaign it will require that the SFDC campaign member statuses (in the advanced setup) are exactly identical to Marketo channel member statuses (defined in the admin ->tag). This is pretty cumbersome and it's why it much easier to create the campaigns from Marketo.

When a program syncs with an SFDC campaign, all "add to SFDC campaign" flow steps that reference this SFDC campaign are ignored by Marketo.
