Re: Stop a trigger campaign if mass amount qualify in a given time frame

Level 3

Stop a trigger campaign if mass amount qualify in a given time frame

Hi all,

We have a trigger program where, if a person cancels their application, an email alert is sent to the appropriate account owner to let them know.

The trigger looks for specific Salesforce opportunity data, and then uses velocity script to populate dynamic content related to that opportunity - so the owner can tell exactly who and why.

Works great, except sometimes we cancel the applications en masse. Which causes this trigger to fire a 100 unnecessary alert message to account owners. I need to mitigate this issue.

I thought of doing a daily scheduled batch campaign instead of the the trigger, and have a constraint in the flow actions that says, "if # of contacts ___, then do nothing".  But I realized the campaign would only send one alert when it does qualify, and that alert couldn't contain all the relevant information from every qualified contact, which the account owner requires.

I thought of then doing a daily scheduled batch that then calls a different trigger campaign instead, but I am unsure if that would work either. I am going to start building that out to try.

However, I was hoping someone may know if there is any way to stop a trigger campaign from running with a safety net? Some way the system can recognize "oh 50+ people just activated this trigger campaign, don't actually fire it."

Any suggestions would be appreciated, thanks!

Not applicable

Re: Stop a trigger campaign if mass amount qualify in a given time frame

I'm not aware of any way to abort a trigger specifically based on the quantity of people in the queue. What about trying to fix this at the root instead? Can you filter out which opportunities are canceled by your team in some way - maybe via a field on the opportunity? It seems to me there must be some way in Salesforce to distinguish between records that are canceled by your team and records canceled by the prospect and you could potentially use that in Marketo to suppress those your team initiates.

Level 3

Re: Stop a trigger campaign if mass amount qualify in a given time frame

No, different departmental uses I am afraid - that would have been the first thing I did. I would have a different status code for system cancellations rather than applicant cancellations, but that simply isn't my call to make.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Stop a trigger campaign if mass amount qualify in a given time frame

No, nothing can be done like that.

Perhaps you can set it to run at night or allow people to filter it out in their email boxes?