
Level 3


Recently the token {{SP_Send_Alert_Info}} in our alert emails is dropping the SFDC link. Not all the time, just occasionally and randomly. 

Any thoughts as to why that might be happening?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: {{SP_Send_Alert_Info}}

Can you prove the ID was assigned at the time?

Level 5

Re: {{SP_Send_Alert_Info}}

As Sanford alluded to, the SFDC link will only appear in the alert email if the person has a record in SF. You should double check the timing of your alert sends as compared to when the records are being created in SF. If these are new people, you might need to use the Sync Person flow step before the Send Alert flow step. 

Level 3

Re: {{SP_Send_Alert_Info}}

Hi Tracy,

Thanks for the response.

Yes, we have the 'Update Fields & Sync" campaign set before the "Send Alert" campaign.


You can see we also have a wait step in the flow of the "Update Fields and Sync" campaign, so I'm not sure why the record is not being created in SFDC.


Level 5

Re: {{SP_Send_Alert_Info}}

You can see we also have a wait step in the flow of the "Update Fields and Sync" campaign, so I'm not sure why the record is not being created in SFDC.

Have you confirmed whether or not the record is being created in SFDC when this smart campaign runs? If you look at the results tab of the smart campaign, does it show the person was successfully created or does it show the flow step was skipped or failed? 

Level 3

Re: {{SP_Send_Alert_Info}}

It looks like the sync failed. Not sure what "District id value of incorrect type" means


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: {{SP_Send_Alert_Info}}

Means the value "Juneau School District" (a String) doesn't match the datatype of the field in SFDC, which is a lookup to an alphanumeric record ID.

Level 3

Re: {{SP_Send_Alert_Info}}

Thanks Sanford. I'll ask my SFDC admin about it. It seems to work 99% of the time. We just get these random one offs every now and then.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: {{SP_Send_Alert_Info}}

OK, could you mark one of my answers as Correct when you get a chance? Thanks.