SFDC best practices upon integration

Level 9 - Champion Alumni

SFDC best practices upon integration

Today we're kicking off our internal sprint during our SFDC implementation that is focused on Marketo and Radian 6. I've used SFDC-Marketo in a past job beautifully but it's been a while. Any little tips or best practices you'd impement if you were integration your Marketo instance for the first time? 
Level 8

Re: SFDC best practices upon integration

I found this presentation from the recent summit quite helpful (we have our Marketo-SF integration for a while now, but I still found some relevant content).
I'd say field management (keep redundant fields out of marketo) and interesting moments usage are quite important chapters here.
We're also using program - SF campaign sync quite heavily to manage marketing activities.

Level 7

Re: SFDC best practices upon integration

One thing that killed us in the beginning was failing to realize that any custom fields you want synced between the two systems MUST be created in SFDC. 
Level 10

Re: SFDC best practices upon integration


Our main SFDC administrator, List specialist and myself just had a discussion on this. For us we're planning on the following:
1) Hide the inactive (dead and no longer in business or in the related industry) and those missing email address so it doesn't show up in Marketo.

2) Hide contact records by industry in SFDC whom we will never market to. (I'm hoping this will be an easy process)

3) Dedupe as much as you can in SFDC so those don't sync to Marketo. We're struggling with this one. 

I wish we had done the above first before doing the integration.