Re: Setting Up Re-Engagement Campaign

Level 2

Setting Up Re-Engagement Campaign

I'm looking to set up a re-engagement campaign with three different emails for inactive leads within the past 6-12 months. Advice on how to set this up in Marketo?

The 1st email will be asking if the record still wants to hear from us and encouraging them to update their email preferences. If a record clicks on a link in the email, they should not be sent any additional emails from the campaign. If a record doesn't click a link in the email, they will be sent the 2nd email.

The 2nd email is similar and includes how they can update their email preferences. If a records clicks on a link in the email, they shouldn't be sent any additional emails from the campaign. If a record doesn't click a link in the email, they will be sent the 3rd and final email.

The 3rd email basically says that if a record doesn't respond we will remove them from our list. If a record clicks a link in the email, they will remain in the database. If a record doesn't click a link in the email, they will be sent the 3rd and final email.

I've made a smart list to grab the inactive records, and made sure to exclude any unsubscribes. How do I create this as a program?

Level 7 - Champion Alumni

Re: Setting Up Re-Engagement Campaign

Use a default program and create 3 send email smart campaigns. Your cadence is up to you, but I would schedule at least 3-5 business days apart.

  1. Send email 1 to your smart list of inactive records
  2. Send email 2 to smart list of inactive records, suppress those who clicked email 1 (depending on how your inactive smart list is built, they may be automatically removed from qualifying for your smart list - but you can add as failsafe)
  3. Send email 3 to smart list of inactive records, suppress those who clicked email 1 or 2
  4. You mention sending "3rd email" twice. Do you mean send 3rd opportunity to re-engage, and if they do not, send a 4th and final email letting them know they've been removed form the list?
  5. Create smart campaign to either unsubscribe or marketing suspend those who did not respond to emails 1, 2, or 3. Consider adding flow step to change unsubscribe reason to "inactive subscriber". If you marketing suspend and want to document the reason, you will need to create a custom field for temporary marketing suspend reason.
Level 2

Re: Setting Up Re-Engagement Campaign

Hi Nick,

So you suggest I create 3 smart campaigns for each email send and then use the default program to determine the timing of when the smart campaigns are activated?

Could I also just create one smart campaign and add in all of the steps? Such as, Send email #1 and wait 1 week, if lead does not click link in email then send email #2? That would mean that anyone who clicked a link in the email would not receive email #2.

We are planning on deleting any of the records who don't click in the email rather than marking as unsubscribe or marketing suspend.

Also to answer #3 - There are only 3 emails - I mistakenly wrote that part twice.

Level 7 - Champion Alumni

Re: Setting Up Re-Engagement Campaign

Yes, my recommendation is to use three smart campaigns within one default program. You might be able to use one smart campaign with wait steps depending on how your inactive smart list criteria is setup. You would need to test that respondents are falling off the smart list and those who engage are not picked up in the wait step. 3 smart campaigns will give you more control and should take minimal extra effort.