I wonder why there's no label tag for every field ?
It goes against W3C rules and specifically accessibility needs.
We'd like to wrap fields with a <label> tag which contain some properties like "for" and "aria-label".
Thanks a lot for any help.
Some jQuery to add attribute to existing label
MktoForms2.whenReady(function (form) {
var $formEl = form.getFormElem(),
$inputs = $formEl.eq(0).find(':input');
$.each($inputs, function(){
Or specifically wrapping the input with a new label:
MktoForms2.whenReady(function (form) {
var $formEl = form.getFormElem(),
$inputs = $formEl.eq(0).find(':input');
$.each($inputs, function(){
Use MktoForms.$, not simply $, if you must depend on additional jQuery methods. Then you won't be requiring the person to include a separate framework.
MktoForms2.whenReady(function (form) {
var $formEl = form.getFormElem(),
$inputs = $formEl.eq(0).find(':input');
MktoForms2.$.each($inputs, function(){