Re: SEO for short term campaign pages

Level 4

SEO for short term campaign pages

Hi Everyone,

We create campaign landing pages that expire within 3-4 months. Should we do SEO for these pages? They wont appear in search results so soon.

Not applicable

Re: SEO for short term campaign pages

I say this with the caveat that I'm not an active SEO but..

To my mind SEO is a long term investment that you put into web properties that you intend to stick around. It could take 6 months to give results. 

Short term campaign pages that are used for specific purposes would be hard to rank well in such a short period of time and then the effort disappears when the campaign ends. 

I would put my effort into a different channel for those campaigns and consider SEO on a more strategic level, looking at your entire website rather than trying to quick-rank for a single page. 
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: SEO for short term campaign pages

While I generally agree with Justin that spending time on SEO for campaigns is not a great use of time, you absolutely should have a basic playbook and fill in Title, Description and think about the structure of the names against your SEO. Social shares will use the meta data and OG tags. If you don't structure these properly, it will break things and look bad externally.
Not applicable

Re: SEO for short term campaign pages

Great point about the meta fields. That is just good hygiene! 🙂