Re: Send notification or alert to myself if no new members are added to a program in a certain amount of time

Level 2

Send notification or alert to myself if no new members are added to a program in a certain amount of time

We have a lot of email programs running and I need to be able to monitor them all easily. 


Does anyone know if it's possible to set up an alert or notification that gets sent to myself if no members have been added to a program in a certain amount of time? 


Or maybe it's a weekly report of program memberships. Is that possible? 

Level 7 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Send notification or alert to myself if no new members are added to a program in a certain amount of time

If you want to set up a list subscription, we have something similar set up to see how many people fill out a form during the past week.


We set up the smart list with the filter of Filled Out Form and then add the constraint of Date of Activity, and have it be within the past week. Then we set up a smart list subscription to email us each week with the list of people who filled out the form during that time (Right click on the Smart List in the tree, and do New Smart List Subscription).


Would something like this work for you?


Level 2

Re: Send notification or alert to myself if no new members are added to a program in a certain amount of time

I don't think so. We need something more immediate based on a specific increase or decrease, based on volume of emails sent. Appreciate the reply though! 

Level 2

Re: Send notification or alert to myself if no new members are added to a program in a certain amount of time

Hi Jaina, one approach could be that you set up a custom scoring field called "members added to program within X days", then build a triggered smart campaign that increases the field score on some person by 1 every time a member is added to a program, and descreases it by 1 after a certain amount of time has elapsed. Then you have a campaign that triggers when that field value for that person becomes "zero" and sends you an alert.


There's probably a much better way to do this that doesn't involve creating a field that you only need to use for a single person! Hopefully some other users have some ideas.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Send notification or alert to myself if no new members are added to a program in a certain amount of time

"members added to program within X days", then build a triggered smart campaign that increases the field score on some person by 1 every time a member is added to a program, and descreases it by 1 after a certain amount of time has elapsed. Then you have a campaign that triggers when that field value for that person becomes "zero" and sends you an alert.


There's probably a much better way to do this that doesn't involve creating a field that you only need to use for a single person! Hopefully some other users have some ideas.

Quite true, but the only way to trigger something in the context of a central Resource Lead* is via webhook. You can't send an arbitrary other lead through a flow.



*or Resource Person, I'm still stuck on Marketo's legacy "lead" terminology!