Re: Segmentations - drill down

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Segmentations - drill down

Background: I'm setting up Segmentations based on Company Name to be able to send dynamic email content to our clients.

Would I be most vague in the Smart List within the Segmentations? Then I can drill down more specifically within the Smart List of a Smart Campaign (ie, location, membership level)? I'm just thinking that with limits on the amount of Segmentations you can set up I would want to create these to be able to use as an over arching segment.

Also, can I just create one Smart Campaign with the filter "Email Targets Segment is = (3 or more segmentations)" or would I need to create a Smart Campaign for each specific segmentation ("Email Targets Segment is = 1 segmentation)?"

What are your recommendations or how have you used this feature successfully?

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Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Segmentations - drill down


Usually you can make a Segmentation based on just about anything. Typical uses are Regional breakdowns (Americas, Europe,...) or Buyer Personas. I've seen all sorts of options.

So you don't need to be vague, but you do need to have mutually exclusive Segments because the selection occurs as a waterfall. If you meet the first criteria, you are part of that Segment and not part of another. 

So you could have a Segmentation of Member Level by Region:

You can also accomplish the same thing with a smart list, but smart lists are slower to run and don't support Dynamic Content.

Yes, you can create a single campaign to include one or more Segments (ideally you would do this!) and then your email would be setup to display content to each Segment as appropriate.
