I want to be able to trigger off of people being added to a Salesforce Campaign that has a type of "Event" or "Webinar". For practical reasons, triggering off of the name contains will not work. I made the Campaign Type field visible to my Marketo user but when I look at the trigger options, I can only use campaign name or status, not type. Is this field not available to sync?
Solved! Go to Solution.
Not Member of SFDC Campaign filter, use the filter "Campaign Type". Since you synced this field from sfdc you should now have a filter for that field available.
Add a Campaign Type filter(should be available once the field is synced) to this smart list, not a constraint. so it needs to satisfy the generic trigger AND your specific filter
Hey Tony, that works! The only issue I now face is that I can't make the campaign filter generic enough. My use case is anytime a person is added to a Salesforce Campaign with type = Inbound, I want them to go into a certain smart campaign to run through some operational steps.
In the trigger I can choose "Added to SFDC Campaign is any" but in the member of SFDC campaign I have to choose one or more in particular and I can't see a way around it, since person is either "in" or "not in", there's no global choice. Any ideas for how to work around this so I can have a global smart campaign rather than local ones every time I want to run Type = Inbound?
I searched by "Campaign type" and "type" and can't find it.
Is that field showing on your lead/contact records? i.e. did the sync happen? Haven't played with synced campaigns so I might be off assuming the field would act the same as any other field.
This is a field on the campaign object, where there's a one to many relationship with person records in Marketo. The field does not appear on a record because they can be in many campaigns with many different types.
Ahh makes sense now. It's another object so yeah...
You might be able to say person in any and type = inbound?
But campaign name is required and there's no option for 'is any'. The filter forces you to choose which campaign they are in if you want to specify the type