Re: Rolling History of Last Interesting Moments

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Rolling History of Last Interesting Moments

Hi all,

I remember seeing a presentation at Marketo Summit 2014 where the presenter showed how to keep a rolling history of the last 5 interesting moments using tokens. Basically, if a new lead subscribes to our newsletter, and then reads a few blog posts, and then downloads a whitepaper, and then registers for a webinar, I'd like the LIM fields to populate as follows:

LIM 1: Registered for XX Webinar   << most recent IM
LIM 2: Downloaded XX Whitepaper    << third IM
LIM 3: Frequent Blog Reader    << second IM
LIM 4: Subscribed to Newsletter    << first IM
LIM 5: [blank]

Then, as the person has more interesting moments over time, the LIM values will push down... for example:

LIM 1: Visits Pricing Page   << most recent
LIM 2: Clicks link in Newsletter
LIM 3: No Show for XX Webinar
LIM 4: Registered for XX Webinar
LIM 5: Downloaded XX Whitepaper    << third IM now in 5th spot

I created LIM1 - LIM5 as text fields and LIM1 Date - LIM5 Date as date fields in Salesforce on the Lead and Contact record. Figuring out the smart campaign/tokens to populate those fields is confusing me though...

My primary goal is to use these fields in alert emails for Sales Reps and SDRs.

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Level 4

Re: Rolling History of Last Interesting Moments

I don't remember that presentation but here is a link to the 2014 Summit replay ... hope that helps 🙂
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Re: Rolling History of Last Interesting Moments

Thanks John! I skimmed through about 10 of them earlier today but couldn't find the right one. Maybe it was Summit 2013? Or a meetup group? 
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Rolling History of Last Interesting Moments

I'm unclear why you need this in SFDC. MSI will display the entire history to Sales.

If you want to record these in Marketo and display them in a Sales Alert email, ok. Your flow would be

Has Interesting Moment

Change Data Value IS IM5 IS {{lead.IM4}}
Change Data Value IS IM4 IS {{lead.IM3}}
Change Data Value IS IM3 IS {{lead.IM2}}
Change Data Value IS IM2 IS {{lead.IM1}}

**note the order is required or you will lose data.

The one issue is moving LIM1 to LIM2 because LIM1 is the system field and will be overwritten before this flow happens in most cases. So you could have a LIM1 that is different from the Last Interesting Moment field itself.
Not applicable

Re: Rolling History of Last Interesting Moments


I'd like to capture the Interesting Moments for our leads on a rolling basis as well.  I understand that the Marketo system field for LIM will be overwritten each team the interesting moment is met.   Above, where you mention you have to have the flow set up to populate other interesting moments seems like a great idea.

Couple of questions:

1. When populating a LIM2, is it required to use this field in the flow?  Such as for a specific webinar, would the interesting moment automatically populate into LIM2 if LIM1 is full?  Our team has multiple programs running in Marketo that have interesting moments and I'm trying to understand how to set up the flow for leads that reach those milestones in multiple programs.

2. Where is the flow written that you have outlined above?

Thank you,
