Re: Require Business Email Address on Forms

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Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Require Business Email Address on Forms

You can load the freemail.txt list into the builder I just created for this purpose: <textarea> to JS array builder


That'll give you a block of JS (in the bottom output pane). Copy and paste that into a JS file, exactly as-is, and upload it to your Design Studio. Include that script with a <script> tag, then you can refer to that large array as your freemail domains.


2021-02-16 17_43_42-CodePen - _textarea_ to JS array builder — Mozilla Firefox.png


Level 2

Re: Require Business Email Address on Forms



Hi Sanford, 


This part is still confusing to me "Include that script with a <script> tag, then you can refer to that large array as your freemail domains." do you mean the URL of the .js file in Design studio so code would now be like this? I assume this is incorrect but in reading back through this topic string I a not sure what script you are referring to with "include that scriptp


sorry, there has been so much within this topic I have gotten a bit lost:)



function inDomainList(email, domains) {
return {
return new RegExp('@' + domain.replace('.', '\\.') + '$', 'i');
}).some(function(reDomain) {
return reDomain.test(email);
MktoForms2.whenReady(function(form) {
var freemailDomains = ["", "", "", "", "", "", ""],
errorFreemail = "Must be Business email."; /* no need to touch below this line */
var formEl = form.getFormElem()[0],
emailEl = formEl.querySelector("input[name='Email']"),
emailJq = MktoForms2.$(emailEl);
form.onValidate(function(native) {
if(!native) return;
var currentValues = form.getValues(),
currentEmail = currentValues.Email;
if(inDomainList(currentEmail, freemailDomains)) {
form.showErrorMessage(errorFreemail, emailJq);
} else {


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Require Business Email Address on Forms


<script src=""></script>


goes above your other scripts.


Then myArray will be available in later scripts.


By default, scripts are always executed top-to-bottom. You would find this new post informative about script loading order.

Level 2

Re: Require Business Email Address on Forms

thanks! but i obviously need help as I am not understanding!! so sorry.

so i first tried adding  the line under <!-- include custom JavaScript --> section at top - no joy.

now I have as you see below under <!-- include jQuery library --> section and still no joy.


At this point I want to give up but hoping you can review all below and tell me what is wrong!



<!-- include jQuery library --> 
<script src=""></script>
<script src="" defer></script> 
<script>window.jQuery || document.write('<script src="" defer><\/script>')</script> 
<!-- include compressed foundation JavaScript --> 
<script src="" defer></script> 
<!-- include custom JavaScript --> 
<script src="" defer></script>
function inDomainList(email, domains) {
return {
return new RegExp('@' + domain.replace('.', '\\.') + '$', 'i');
}).some(function(reDomain) {
return reDomain.test(email);
MktoForms2.whenReady(function(form) {
var freemailDomains = ["", "", "", "", "", "", ""],
errorFreemail = "Must be Business email."; /* no need to touch below this line */
var formEl = form.getFormElem()[0],
emailEl = formEl.querySelector("input[name='Email']"),
emailJq = MktoForms2.$(emailEl);
form.onValidate(function(native) {
if(!native) return;
var currentValues = form.getValues(),
currentEmail = currentValues.Email;
if(inDomainList(currentEmail, freemailDomains)) {
form.showErrorMessage(errorFreemail, emailJq);
} else {


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Require Business Email Address on Forms

Immediate/side note: the way jQuery is being loaded there is quite horrifying, sort of want to shake whoever came up with that...


... but anyway, that's not related to the email validation, nor is your app.js (which is deferred, so couldn't have any effect here even if you wanted it to).


When you load freetxt.js, you're creating an array called myArray.


So myArray is what you'd use instead of freemailDomains. You're creating the new array with the big list, but still using the original array, in other words.

Level 2

Re: Require Business Email Address on Forms

haha - wasn't me. I have inherited these templates!

Level 2

Re: Require Business Email Address on Forms

I have to give up - will need to find a developer to just create the final code for me as i still can't get to work - LOL


I replaced all instances of "freeDomains" with "myArray" but no joy.



Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Require Business Email Address on Forms

What page is this on? You seem to have gotten very close.
Level 2

Re: Require Business Email Address on Forms



and with this update now even the ones i listed out that did work don't work any more ( etc)




Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Require Business Email Address on Forms

You can't redeclare myArray. That's overwriting (shadowing, technically, but in practice the same as overwriting) the whole list you loaded, so you're back to the original list.


This dual declaration

var myArray = ["", "", "", "", "", "", ""],
errorFreemail = "Must be Business email.";

needs to be only

var errorFreemail = "Must be Business email.";



and with this update now even the ones i listed out that did work don't work any more ( etc)

It does block the ones in the original list, not sure what you mean here.