In Marketo, we use Smart Lists for Program Entry criteria. At each step of our journey, we update their program status (step 1, 2, 3, etc)
While testing, we want to be able to remove a member from the campaign and allow them to requalify for the campaign to test with them again. The only way I have found to do this is to clone the entry criteria, which allows them to qualify again. Is there a way to requalify these records without cloning/creating new smart lists? There is nothing in these smart lists that would exclude these people from reentry, and the campaign allows reentry as well.
Apologies, but I don't understand your requirement and ask completely. If a person meets the campaign's SL criteria and given that the campaign's qualification rule (the one in the campaign's schedule tab) allows the person to run through the campaign more than 1x, then the person would run through the campaign's flow on its next run (i.e., the person would re-qualify and flow the campaign again). Also, once a person is a member of a campaign, you cannot remove them from being a member of the campaign (unlike programs) - they can still re-run through the campaign flow given that they meet the campaign SL and qualification rules, but you cannot delete the campaign membership (unless, of course, you delete the person itself).
I think the idea is if a person is only allowed to qualify “one time” they want to manually revert that “one time” back to “0 times.” Of course this isn’t the way campaign membership is expected to work — if it could be reverted it would cease to have the same meaning.
Overall, this strikes me as an odd request. If it’s for testing, the SC design is that each unique person can run through once. If you want to see if this is working as intended, creating a new test person is the correct way. Otherwise you’re not actually testing against the real-world experience.
But the person isn't allowed to qualify only one time, they should be able to qualify many times. This was enough information to move forward with, but I am not sure I follow 'one time' campaign membership when a person could qualify again. If the campaign is what prevents re-entry, shouldn't a standalone smart list always show this person, despite campaign membership?
When a person flows through the campaign they are said to be a member of that particular campaign - campaign membership helps to identify and keep a log of who all have flowed through a particular campaign (there's a filter available in the SL too which goes by "Member of Smart Campaign" that you can use to define the SL criteria based on the campaign membership of a person). With that being said, as I said earlier, a member of the campaign can flow through the campaign's flow again if they re-qualify (i.e., meet the campaign's SL criteria and qualification rules).
but I am not sure I follow 'one time' campaign membership when a person could qualify again.
A person becomes a member of the campaign on their first run only, during their second run through the campaign they'd already have been the campaign member from their 1st run (and hence a person becomes a member 1x but can run multiple through the campaign flow). I hope you find this helpful. Happy to answer if you have any more questions. 🙂