Reporting: What Marketo reports do you use most often / find most beneficial?

Level 4

Reporting: What Marketo reports do you use most often / find most beneficial?

I've been tasked with quarterly reporting, but not quite sure what reports would provide the most value. What quarterly or yearly reports have you created that have proven to provide the most value and insight for your organization?

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Reporting: What Marketo reports do you use most often / find most beneficial?

We don't really use any of the reports in MLM (some marketers use Email Insights).  Instead, we rely heavily on RCE - specifically the Program Membership Reports (we've built several custom reports based on this core report).  And now we're exporting all key Marketo data (via the API) to create more robust dashboards/reporting using MS Power BI.

Level 8

Re: Reporting: What Marketo reports do you use most often / find most beneficial?

Hi Leanne,

If you're going to use Marketo's reports and you're not using Revenue Explorer the ones I would recommend are Lead Performance and Program Performance reports. These ones are simple but let you customize quite a lot based on what you want to present.

Lead Performance

Allows you to make a few different variations of reports that you can clone and keep in Group Reports. You can use the Group Leads by feature to group leads on any attribute aside from the default (Created At) and choose a time interval (also quarters). You can also use Custom Columns to add any Smart List as a column which makes it quite easy to add any filter you want and add the number of qualified leads in each column. This can be done with e.g. score intervals to see where your leads are score-wise. All-in-all this report can save you a lot of time if you build it up nicely for what you want to present without

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Program Performance

This one is great if you are using a lot of custom channels with different program statuses. If you have a lot of programs, say downloadable content programs, using the same channel it allows you to get an overview of how they perform against each other not just on success but showing program status as columns.

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The Success Path Analyzer is nice if you have a nicely operating Revenue Cycle Model to get an overview of Velocity (days) between stages and Conversion (%) between them on the success path.

The Program Analyzer gives you quite an illustrative view of your programs or channels and their impact in terms of leads generated, cost, and contribution to pipeline. Here you would of course need to have an integration for your pipeline stats and program costs listed for it to give you value.

These two are more interfaces as opposed to static tables that you can subscribe to so it would be a bit more manual work. The first two can even be made nicely with a weekly/monthly subscription so you have an overview of your leads.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Reporting: What Marketo reports do you use most often / find most beneficial?

Depends what you want to get out and which decisions you want to make. Start there, don't start with what Marketo can/can't do.

You searched for reporting - Marketing Rockstar Guides

How to Use Marketo Analytics

Generally agree that real funnel reporting is out of RCE or a BI tool.