Re: Remove tha auto-generated forms2.css

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Level 4

Remove tha auto-generated forms2.css

I want to do my own style for forms2, not just add upon marketos default styles. But no matter what i do Marketo always adds the file called forms2.css. 
I tried to remove it with a jQuery function:

$( document ).ready(function() {

But it still apears.


Any suggestions? 
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Accepted Solutions
Marketo Employee

Re: Remove tha auto-generated forms2.css

Hey Rasmus,

I'd suggest using the whenReady callback instead, as it waits until the form is completely done loading likie this:

MktoForms2.whenReady( function(form){


View solution in original post

Not applicable

Re: Remove tha auto-generated forms2.css

I don't believe there is a way to remove it; I simply use the plain style out of the box and then style using CSS and JS (I wrap the form fields in the Bootstrap structure and use its default styling first, then customize per client).
Not applicable

Re: Remove tha auto-generated forms2.css

The issue you are seeing here is to do with the order of how things are loaded.

Since you are only removing the stylesheets, you would need this jQuery function to execute before the stylesheet is loaded. But in your current implementation, the stylesheet loads and then you remove the references to them with your jQuery function. 

One solution is to overwrite the styling after they are loaded. 

Level 4

Re: Remove tha auto-generated forms2.css

@Murtza, the marketo style, is it always loaded just before the inserted form?

So I can via jQuery overwrite the original styling instead of removing it, that will give a better result?

Not applicable

Re: Remove tha auto-generated forms2.css

@Rasmus, please see the image below, which shows the load timeline for Marketo form assets. CSS loads last out of the form assets (html, js, css). One solution is to use "!important" in your css, so the css does not get overwritten by Marketo forms css. Another solution is to add inline styling to the DOM elements using JavaScript after document ready event. 


Level 4

Re: Remove tha auto-generated forms2.css

Ah that makes sense... I found out that by using window.load, it will wait long enough for it to work

 $(window).load(function() {

The issue with !important is that, if im using !important everywhere, and want to use Media querries, then its not possible to overwrite my already !important properties, with another !important 🙂 
Marketo Employee

Re: Remove tha auto-generated forms2.css

Hey Rasmus,

I'd suggest using the whenReady callback instead, as it waits until the form is completely done loading likie this:

MktoForms2.whenReady( function(form){


Level 4

Re: Remove tha auto-generated forms2.css

Hi Kenny Elkington​, our team is experiencing issues with this two years after this original thread was opened. Could you provide some more insight please?

One of our forms is still referencing the forms2.css stylesheet which is affecting how the form renders. We have been using this form for over one year and we've only just noticed the bug in the past week. Additionally, the bug only seems to affect 1 out of every handful of loads so it is inconsistent. We also tested using an older form using the same "Plain" theme, and we have not experienced any issues with that other form, which leads us to believe this is form-specific.

Marketo support initially told us that the styling error on our form is coming from our page, but as you can tell from the attached screenshot, the forms2.css stylesheet is clearly being referenced by the form itself and not our page. You can even see the comment in line 1 that says "This is used to test if the stylesheet has been loaded yet" so we think the form is supposed to stop referencing forms2.css once it has been loaded, but for whatever reason, it doesn't clear out properly.

Our main question is, how do we get this form to stop referencing forms2.css? And why does it seem like it only affects specific forms even if the themes are the same? Thank you!

Screen Shot 2018-03-29 at 11.08.47 AM.png

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Remove tha auto-generated forms2.css

Just use the Destyle Marketo Form JS. It completely disables Forms 2.0 styles and stylesheets.

Not applicable

Re: Remove tha auto-generated forms2.css

I like Kenny's approach. Makes sense to use native form functionality provided by Marketo.