When you used the {{SP_Send_Alert_Info}} token it includes a read only view of a marketo lead that does not require a Marketo license...
The url structure is as follows: https://app-sjp.marketo.com/access/leadDetail?leadId={LEAD ID}&tok={TOKEN}
The token appears to expire after a certain period of time.
Has anybody tried to utilize this within their CRM to provide read-only access to the lead record from the CRM (via link) without requiring a MKTO lic?
That should work. Did you try it?
I would like to, but was more asking about how it would be possible to do so.
I was thinking I could use a custom service Custom Service ยป Marketo Developers
But before I embarked I wanted to see if anybody else had attempted this in the past had any pointers...
Don't know what you'd be looking for with a Custom Service. If you want to get this URL into your CRM, you can use something like Email-to-Salesforce and parse it out.