If a Lead is killed in Salesforce it is marked as Dead.
What happens when a person fills out another form after creating the initial lead? If the Lead is dead in Salesforce does it get rejuvenated? Why would another lead not be created?
We aren't creating a new contact or account – just a new lead record…..
When you say "Dead' do you mean the Lead Status=Dead or that the Lead is deleted?
When a Lead is Deleted in SFDC, it is not deleted in Marketo unless you explicitly did that via Marketo when you do the flow action "Delete Lead, Delete in SFDC = True"
So if a Lead is deleted only in SFDC, when the Lead returns to Marketo via your form, they may end up resyncing to SFDC. So yes, a "new" lead will be created in SFDC in this case--but NOT in Marketo...it will just be updated.