Question from this afternoon's webinar

Level 8 - Champion

Question from this afternoon's webinar

Hi all - I was just on the Marketo audit webinar and the presenter mentioned that Workspaces and Partitions are great to have if you have a need for intentional duplicates in your Marketo org.  I completely agree. 

However, the reason we have workspaces & partitions in my organization is due to our international regulations.  We do conduct a number of International events and I have run into issues where Marketo blocks a dupe being list imported into one partition that exists in another partition.  I believe this behavior is valid, but has anyone ever managed to allow Marketo to list import duplicates in a workspaces and partitions scenario?  For those who have this use case, how do you manage the intentional dupes? 

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Question from this afternoon's webinar

It's a bit hard to handle this.

What's the issue you want to solve? If Marketo kicks out an import for that reason, it provides a list and you can decide what to do with it.

Level 8 - Champion

Re: Question from this afternoon's webinar


The error that my regional users get is:

Lead exists in another lead partition in your Marketo account - contact your Marketo admin.

This is a valid error in our use case - what I've done is create a "global" workspace for programs where we would be list importing (such as a trade show booth list) to make sure that we can import, distribute to the correct partition once the import is complete, and track the marketing successes in one program.  If leads come into a workspace from a landing page or from CRM, will Marketo allow the duplicate or does it reconcile the lead to the partition that it's been actively engaged within?