Re: Question for Vidyard Customers re: archiving old videos

Level 8 - Champion

Question for Vidyard Customers re: archiving old videos

This question is for those that are using Vidyard as your video marketing integration.  As you know, we pay Vidyard based on the number of videos we have active in their system.  At some point, videos get outdated and to keep your video total in compliance (and your costs manageable) you have to think about removing videos & players from the system.  How are you handling removing content that hasn't been used/watched in a while while maintaining your analytics?  How far back do you allow a video to be out of your marketing before it is removed?  (or do you continue to archive videos and pay for that storage?)

Level 8 - Champion

Re: Question for Vidyard Customers re: archiving old videos

We are in a situation where we need to skim some of our content and I need to make some recommendations to our senior marketing leaders, so any ideas/experience is much appreciated

Level 10

Re: Question for Vidyard Customers re: archiving old videos

Chris Willis​, I'm going to move this discussion over to the Product space to see if we can get some input over there.