Pulling Reporting - miscalculation on % columns?

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Level 4

Pulling Reporting - miscalculation on % columns?

I'm trying to pull an overall Email Performance Report for an entire folder of email programs (roughly 50 emails).  The report calculates the totals at the bottom of the spreadsheet, however when I try to do the calculations myself using formulas, the numbers do not match up.

Does anyone know how Marketo calculates the total of the % columns?  I thought maybe the total represented the % average or median in that column, but that doesn't seem to be the case.  This makes me nervous about trusting Marketo reporting.  I need to do this for 6 different folders and then pull an average total per column for a summary report.


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Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Pulling Reporting - miscalculation on % columns?

You need the actual # Delivered & Opened.

From there you can calculate based on the total sum & then your percentage.

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Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Pulling Reporting - miscalculation on % columns?

What excel formula are you using and what is the difference? Can you show us?

Level 4

Re: Pulling Reporting - miscalculation on % columns?

Sure, here is a screenshot of the Email Performance report I pulled (just kept the % Delivered and % Opened columns for this).  I calculated the average by using the =AVERAGE(B2:B10) formula, and the median using the =MEDIAN(B2:B10) formula for the % Delivered column.  As you can see, neither the average or median % I got using the formulas matches Marketo's total number.  So I was wondering how they calculate the totals in those columns?

Screen Shot 2016-07-12 at 12.21.27 PM.png

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Pulling Reporting - miscalculation on % columns?

Ah yes, this is a prob I had. Please use the RAW numbers to recalculate in Excel. This % avg will not give you accurate data because it is effectively unweighted.

Level 4

Re: Pulling Reporting - miscalculation on % columns?

How would I get the RAW numbers in Excel from this data?

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Pulling Reporting - miscalculation on % columns?

You need the actual # Delivered & Opened.

From there you can calculate based on the total sum & then your percentage.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Pulling Reporting - miscalculation on % columns?

Not using an average or median of the percentages as provided by Marketo.

You must use the RAW numbers as I mentioned above (totals)

Level 4

Re: Pulling Reporting - miscalculation on % columns?

Ahhhh, I see.  So for example, I would divide the "Delivered" number by the "Sent" number and multiply that by 100 to get the actual percentage.  Such as 1374/1407*100 would give me 97.7% which is the correct calculation.  I get it now.  I thought they were using an average/median formula for the total instead of doing it this way.

Thank you so much!!