Re: Primary Attribute Value Id for AB Tests in Bulk Extract

Level 2

Primary Attribute Value Id for AB Tests in Bulk Extract

It appears based on the documentation that: 


Note: If an email is part of a program that is using  Email Testing (A/B Test, or Champion/Challenger Test), then that email is not available for query using the following endpoints: Get Email by Id, Get Email by Name Get Emails.  The call will indicate success, but will contain the following warning: “No assets found for the given search criteria.”


The bulk extract returns this dummy id (which appears to be unusable) for the AB test email activities. Is there anyway to progromatically discover the program this id is a part of? I am currently using getEmailById to track down the programs at the moment, but since that api is unusable for this its a little difficult. We need this info for downstream reporting, so we can evaluate the A/B not just on opens/clicks but also the downstream behaviour. 

Level 9

Re: Primary Attribute Value Id for AB Tests in Bulk Extract

Way late to this party, but did you ever come up with a solution for this issue? Facing the same thing as we speak!