Pre-Fill on Unsubscribe Page not working - Confirmed Pre-fill is enabled

Level 1

Pre-Fill on Unsubscribe Page not working - Confirmed Pre-fill is enabled

I'm at a loss. I have confirmed Pre-Fill is enabled in landing pages at an admin level, the form level, and the landing page itself. Yet when I click "Unsubscribe" in an email it still does not pre-fill the email of the customer into the form. What am i doing wrong!? I can also confirm that the link in the email is being tracked and has the mkt_tok box checked. Uploading images as proof.





CleanShot 2024-07-30 at 14.37.15@2x.png



Level 4

Re: Pre-Fill on Unsubscribe Page not working - Confirmed Pre-fill is enabled

Hi Lindsey, I wonder if its an issue with Apple Mail or IOS. Can you try using a different email service provider like Gmail or hotmail and open in a browser like Chrome? Let me know if that makes any difference.


Level 1

Re: Pre-Fill on Unsubscribe Page not working - Confirmed Pre-fill is enabled

I'm using gmail in chrome and it's not pre-filling.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Pre-Fill on Unsubscribe Page not working - Confirmed Pre-fill is enabled

How exactly are you testing? Note if a session is already associated with a lead, (native) Pre-Fill requires an exact match between the lead ID that's associated and the lead ID that received the email. Any mismatch and Pre-Fill is disabled.
Level 1

Re: Pre-Fill on Unsubscribe Page not working - Confirmed Pre-fill is enabled

I'm just clicking the unsubscribe link in our footer, is there a better way to test? I don't think there should be any mismatch, here's me searching the email it's going to and it shows only one ID. 



Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Pre-Fill on Unsubscribe Page not working - Confirmed Pre-fill is enabled

I'm just clicking the unsubscribe link in our footer, is there a better way to test? I don't think there should be any mismatch, here's me searching the email it's going to and it shows only one ID. 


Well, that doesn't tell us whether the session is associated with the same ID.


Copy the link from the email and open the link in a new Incognito window and there will be no conflict.

Level 1

Re: Pre-Fill on Unsubscribe Page not working - Confirmed Pre-fill is enabled

I opened the link in an incognito window and it still didn't work.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Pre-Fill on Unsubscribe Page not working - Confirmed Pre-fill is enabled

OK, that's not expected behavior at all.  You've determined that the link has the critical mkt_tok query parameter appended?

Level 1

Re: Pre-Fill on Unsubscribe Page not working - Confirmed Pre-fill is enabled

Yes, when I first click the link i see "/UnsubscribePage.html?mkt_unsubscribe=1&mkt_tok=OTYzLVROTi02MjEAAAGUo1xskP9QcTyyMbOUG8agXDbhDNM9wzZBhEgAlbuARh7kGmOl6GP3yjlHfU4DzmrN91RXtpUP4b1efHdYu7ZkVsZ2rXqR-pueVV3AS_nGFg" and then the mkt_tok went away and only showed "/UnsubscribePage.html?mkt_unsubscribe=1". Is that normal behavior?


EDIT: I saw in another thread you said this is normal behavior. So I don't know what's going on.

EDIT EDIT: I triple checked everything with a brand new email address that is not in marketo at all and still can't get pre-fill to work.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Pre-Fill on Unsubscribe Page not working - Confirmed Pre-fill is enabled

Exactly, the mkt_tok is stripped immediately after loading a Marketo LP, but that's fine as long as it was there to start with.


If I weren't officially on vacation, this is where we'd get on a Zoom and figure out exactly what's weird here, but unfortunately this isn't the best time. If you PM me we can figure out a time. It does seem like you're doing everything right for native Pre-Fill.


P.S. one other thing to make absolutely sure of is you're sending real emails, not samples.