Re: Person Score: Can you see specific score information?

Level 3

Person Score: Can you see specific score information?

Is it possible to create a Smart List to view a person's score only for specific actions? I know I can create a Smart List to show visits to specific web pages but that result shows the person's whole score.

Example: my company has many business partners all listed on our website. I'm going to create scoring for people's interactions with each different business partner. I'd like to be able to view people's scores solely based on their interaction with a specific business partner.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Person Score: Can you see specific score information?

You'd create different score fields for this.

The alternative -- checking for score increment/decrement events associated with partner-specific programs -- could only be done via API and even then I'd steer you strongly away from it.

Level 3

Re: Person Score: Can you see specific score information?

Thanks. I'm not sure I completely understand. Because we sell products and services from each of these business partners, our sales people want to know what a person's score is specific to each business partner. Maybe a person has a score of 50 but 40 points are from interactions with business partner A and only 10 points are from interactions from business partner B. Our sales people would like to know that so they can speak to our member about product A, not B. Right now they have no way of knowing the score breakdown because all they know is the person's overall score of 50.

Is there a way, Smart List maybe, to break down the score so I can show a sales person a person's score of 40 for business partner A, even though the person's total score is 50?

Does that make sense?

Marketo Employee

Re: Person Score: Can you see specific score information?

Not without a score field for the separate partners you're looking to score for.  A +10 from interacting with business partner A looks the same as a +10 from interacting with business partner B unless you previously set up your scoring logic to differentiate the two.  Sanford is suggesting you have separate score fields for the business partners rather than one where everything is lumped together. 

Level 3

Re: Person Score: Can you see specific score information?

I would create separate scores for each business partner. +10 for visits to BP A, +10 for BP B and a person visits BP A two times for a total score of 30. I could make a Smart List that shows people that visited BP A. But the score shown in the result for this person will still be 30. Not 20.

Or am I missing something?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Person Score: Can you see specific score information?

Separate score fields, not separate score delta values.

Level 3

Re: Person Score: Can you see specific score information?

Ok, thanks. I'm not familiar with score fields. I will look into that. Thank you!

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Person Score: Can you see specific score information?

Score fields are simply a type of custom field on the Lead/Person, like the default Lead Score field.

Each such field can aggregate the score for a different set of characteristics.

Level 3

Re: Person Score: Can you see specific score information?

Perfect! Thank you!