Re: Opportunity triggers in Sandbox not working

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Level 3

Opportunity triggers in Sandbox not fired

We have a Lead Scoring system connected to the CRM of which several campaigns are supposed to fire as soon as receiving the corresponding data from the CRM. Those campaigns use the Added to Opportunity and Opportunity is Updated triggers. However, none of the Trigger executes even when the values arrive Marketo Sandbox via API (Set as <action>CreateORUpdate</action>). Wonder if there's anything I missed out checking. According to the article at the link, it seems the two triggers have definition which needs to pay attention to.



Would be glad to have some suggestion!


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Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Opportunity triggers in Sandbox not working

Ahh - I guess you need to update the constraint on the Opportunity is Updated trigger to something like below (you need to use the New Value constraint for the trigger attribute, i.e., custom status field):


Add the values for custom status field on which you would wanna trigger off in the "New Value" constraint.


Hope this helps!


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Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Opportunity triggers in Sandbox not working

As per the constraint defined in the triggers - opportunity custom status field needs to be won for them to fire. Did you pass the apt values to the custom status field while creating/updating the opportunity for the person? If so, do you have any other filters/qualification rules defined in the SC that may be blocking the person from qualifying for the campaign? 

Level 3

Re: Opportunity triggers in Sandbox not working

No more constrains, and the Won value is passed from the CRM via API, which was checked several times. What was funny was that we have another Marketo account which has the identical campaign config. It works well. Therefore, I'm thinking if it could be the Marketo environment setting or the API definition or other reasons

Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Opportunity triggers in Sandbox not working

Do you see the Opportunity getting added/updated in the person activity log in your sandbox instance when you update via API?

Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Opportunity triggers in Sandbox not working

That would indeed be where I'd start my investigation. Do I see the activities in the log, when I run a smart list on people having an opportunity meeting the criteria, do any people qualify?

Level 3

Re: Opportunity triggers in Sandbox not working

That's the issue. We have identical Smart List and Flow in two accounts, one works well. However, in Sandbox the trigger doesn't work when the qualified lead with Won value is sent from the API. Therefore, the activity log is empty.

Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Opportunity triggers in Sandbox not working

You say the Opportunity is sent via API - is it reflected on the person record in Marketo? i.e., can you please confirm if you can see the Opportunity getting updated on the person record when you try adding/updating the Opportunity via API through CRM? You can check for the Opportunity added/updated activity in the person’s activity log (not the campaign activity log) - This’ll help us understand if the issue is with the Opportunity not getting updated to person via API in the first place or the campaign doesn’t fire even though the Opportunity is updated on the person record. Thank you!

Level 3

Re: Opportunity triggers in Sandbox not working

Hi Darshil,
I checked multiple people's activity log  for the Opportunity added/updated activity. The custom fields where we want the values to be updated were record. However,  the campaign doesn’t fire even though the Opportunity is updated on the person record. 


Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Opportunity triggers in Sandbox not working

Gotcha, thank you for confirming! Can you please share some snapshots of the opportunity create/update activities from the activity log of the test record you're using to test this? It'd be helpful if you also share the activity rows that were logged immediately after the opportunity create/update activity. I'd hope the campaign SL is still same as in the snapshot posted in the question by you earlier.


Level 3

Re: Opportunity triggers in Sandbox not working

Sure. I'll put two examples.


Example 1:


Example 2: 



The campaign Triggers:
