Operational message - Send out 4 times and not only once

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Operational message - Send out 4 times and not only once


in an email an operational email is triggered when receiver clicks on the CTA.

This works fine for some users > they receive this email once when clicked one time on the CTA. But in some cases the receiver clicks also only one time on the CTA and then the operational email is send out 4 times (we have tested this with person can run workflow only once and with every time).


Weired thing is that it works fine with some users and some users not!


Had anyone else this behavior?


Thanks, Andreas 

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Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Operational message - Send out 4 times and not only once

Following on from Katja's comment, I really hope you're not sending autoresponses based only on Clicked Email.


That means you're treating a mail scanner click as if it were human engagement. That's a very bad idea, and potentially endangers the reputation of everybody else sharing your instance.

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Level 1

Re: Operational message - Send out 4 times and not only once



yes I have checked. I can't see the "click" in activity protocoll.


I see: Change Programm status > send email > email delivered - one time status is changed to "influenced" other three times keep unchanged.  But it is all the same time - there is no difference in time activity. Is there any opportunity that I could also see the click in the "results protocoll"?


And yes, thank you. I also have discovered the setting that people could run only once through the flow. That works.


Probably you have anyway a tipp regarding "click in activities protocoll".





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Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Operational message - Send out 4 times and not only once

Did you check this person's activity log? Was the click registered only once, or was there a mail scanner or something like that registering clicks that the human was not aware of?

In any case, you can prevent this by restricting your smart campaign to have people only run through the flow once per a set amount of time.

Level 1

Re: Operational message - Send out 4 times and not only once



yes I have checked. I can't see the "click" in activity protocoll.


I see: Change Programm status > send email > email delivered - one time status is changed to "influenced" other three times keep unchanged.  But it is all the same time - there is no difference in time activity. Is there any opportunity that I could also see the click in the "results protocoll"?


And yes, thank you. I also have discovered the setting that people could run only once through the flow. That works.


Probably you have anyway a tipp regarding "click in activities protocoll".





Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Operational message - Send out 4 times and not only once

Following on from Katja's comment, I really hope you're not sending autoresponses based only on Clicked Email.


That means you're treating a mail scanner click as if it were human engagement. That's a very bad idea, and potentially endangers the reputation of everybody else sharing your instance.

Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Operational message - Send out 4 times and not only once

Very good point.

Level 1

Re: Operational message - Send out 4 times and not only once



I am just a beginner and probably I do what I shouldn't do 🤔

I really hope you're not sending autoresponses based only on Clicked Email.


Well, when I check, I use "Clicks in email" (not clicked link in email) > that was what trainer teached.


I use only this trigger. With which trigger could/ can I combine? My scenario - I want that when someone clicks in the email the CTA "Attend" than the "Confirmation" email should be send out. What's the best practices?


Thanks for your help! 

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Operational message - Send out 4 times and not only once

I really hope you're not sending autoresponses based only on Clicked Email.


Well, when I check, I use "Clicks in email" (not clicked link in email) > that was what trainer teached.

That's worrisome b/c no trainer should be saying that after, say, 2016.  (The trigger Clicks vs. batch Clicked doesn't make a difference.)


I use only this trigger. With which trigger could/ can I combine? My scenario - I want that when someone clicks in the email the CTA "Attend" than the "Confirmation" email should be send out. What's the best practices?

You should be using a form. The form need only contain a single Submit button — no fields need be visible. We call this the Big Button Pattern. By requiring a human to press the button to confirm, you take automated clicks out of the picture.


Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Operational message - Send out 4 times and not only once

To follow up on Sandy's comment, unfortunately, email clicks are not a reliable measure of human activity. Email servers often have anti-malware software on them that checks links in incoming emails to see if they're malicious. This registers as a "click" by MAPs/ESPs (this is not a Marketo-specific problem). 

Amy Goldfine
Marketo Champion & Adobe Community Advisor
Level 1

Re: Operational message - Send out 4 times and not only once

Hi Sanford,

have to come back on this old topic thus I have same challenge right now and tried to solve it as you wrote.

But than I realized that I cannot integrate a form into an email. This means that the receiver has to click twice > first click "attend" in email > than receiver will redirected to landingpage and there is again an "attend"-CTA which has also to be clicked.

Was your solution meant in this way? Or did I understand anything wrong?

Thanks you


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Operational message - Send out 4 times and not only once

have to come back on this old topic thus I have same challenge right now and tried to solve it as you wrote.

But than I realized that I cannot integrate a form into an email. This means that the receiver has to click twice > first click "attend" in email > than receiver will redirected to landingpage and there is again an "attend"-CTA which has also to be clicked.

That's right. You must require a human-only action like clicking a button on a web page.


Following a link in an email is something that machines (mail scanners) also do so you don't want to treat that as human engagement.