Re: Onboarding campaign issues

Level 4

Onboarding campaign issues

hi all, been a while, can't believe im reopening this can of worms, thought it was setup forever.


we've noticed that our onboarding program isnt firing for newly created leads. here's why: 


we're only sending the welcome email based on data value change: consentemailallowed.


so we're going back into test, but i still cannot get the following to trigger based on a new enquiry:



so essentially, we've not been onboarding leads properly, but why would the second not be triggering the first welcome email in the flow?


the emails are in there just for testing btw. and we will kep the existing campaign and just add this one in if we manage to find the right one for newly created leads.


any help much appreciated as always, will pick a best answer if i get one.


thanks in advance, Mike


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Onboarding campaign issues

That filter on Email Address is wrong. If you click the green the values are displayed as semicolon-delimited. Looks like you added a single comma-delimited string, which is interpreted as one big value.

Level 4

Re: Onboarding campaign issues

have amended to:



still not firing Sandford.


cheers, Mike

Level 10 - Community Advisor

Re: Onboarding campaign issues

@Hoppers13 ,

how are you testing this?  Are you deleting each time you want to test?
If you want to restrict by email for testing, maybe go with email address starts with strudelpear and then you can create multiple strudelpear+<x> records.



Level 4

Re: Onboarding campaign issues

good idea Jo, thank you, but i'm just creating new email address to be honest. we alright have issues surrounding duplicate records so I wouldn't want to muddy the water further in our test environment.


thanks, Mike

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Onboarding campaign issues

Please show the Activity Log entries that you believe should trigger this campaign. Specifically, is ConsentEmailsAllowed set to true when the person is created, i.e. not a moment later?