Nurture set up

Level 2

Nurture set up

Hi there, 


Wondering what the best way to set up this nurture: 

Week 1: First email 

Week 2: First email again for people who didn't open the first time (with slightly different content)

Week 2: Second email 

Week 3: Second email again for people who didn't open the second email (with slightly different content) 


and so and so forth for 10 weeks. This isn't how I would recommend content being sent out, but this is how it was decided. 


Should I create a smart campaign with a bunch of wait steps and data value changes saying that if they didn't open x email then send the next? We are is there a better way to set this up? I can't use streams right?

I still have them in an engagement program so I can change status to nurture. 


Level 7 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Nurture set up

I would be careful about using opens to determine whether or not someone receives another email.


With MPP or other similar systems, opens might be artificially triggered even if they didn't open your email. And,  if readers have images or tracking turned off, the pixel may not load at all, even if they did open your email.  So the people receiving the second send may not be representative of the audience you want to target.

Level 10

Re: Nurture set up

10 weeks? I have the feeling that this will be a pretty messy flow.


Week 1: "Email 1"

Week 2: "Email 2" for openers of 1 and "Email 1 new" for non-openers of 1

Week 3: "Email 3" for openers of 2 and "Email 2" for non openers of "Email 1 new" and "Email 2 new" to non-openers of 2?


And this won't get better and the distance between openers and non-openers gets bigger and more options need to be considered. 


No, actually I think an Engagement Program is the better choice. Something like this:




Where transition rules move persons to the respective next stream should opens occur.


I share your sentiment of not liking the flow, but that's not to be discussed here, right?

Level 2

Re: Nurture set up

No unfortunately the client has decided this is how they want this done and they want it to launch tomorrow. So for example stream one would be email 1 launches tomorrow then cadence is set to make the second email 1 (if have not opened) to send next Thursday? Then if they get that email they will immediately transition to stream 2?

Level 2

Re: Nurture set up

Do I need to set up additional smart campaigns?

Level 10

Re: Nurture set up

You will need transition rules.


The baseline logic for Engagement Programs is that a person receives the emails in a stream from top to bottom on the scheduled date. So if a person enters Stream "Email 1" they will receive "Email 1" and then "Email 1 new" a week later. And your Smart Campaign aka the Transition Smart Campaign will need to say: If opened Email 1, move to Stream "Email 2". And you will need as many transition rule Smart Campaigns as you have streams.


"Transition Rule" is just the specific fancy name of a Smart Campaign. Many people opt to not use these built-in "Transition Rules" at  all, but instead set up Smart Campaigns within the EP to manage transition. We do it e.g. like this:




I should probably add that I totally agree with @Christiane_Rode's statement that opens should not be used as a trigger for anything.



Level 2

Re: Nurture set up

Hey @KT_CD

could you please provide me with a bit more context and purpose of the same? Exactly what we are looking to achieve here, this will help me provide a suitable solution

@KT_CD wrote:

Hi there, 


Wondering what the best way to set up this nurture: 

Week 1: First email 

Week 2: First email again for people who didn't open the first time (with slightly different content)

Week 2: Second email 

Week 3: Second email again for people who didn't open the second email (with slightly different content) 

You can do setup this using a email in a stream and running through a program. And pause cadence using the transition rule or through campaign.

Here are some screenshot you can consider Email 2.jpgEmail 1.jpgEmail 1a.jpgEmail 2a.jpg7.png