Re: Now we must delete each piece of a program individually before deleting the program?

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Now we must delete each piece of a program individually before deleting the program?

I want to delete a whole program that I cloned by mistake. In order to delete it, I first have to unapproved all emails and systematically delete pieces that don't use other pieces. We used to be able to simple delete the program. I want the old way back please.
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Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Now we must delete each piece of a program individually before deleting the program?

That's a bit odd. Is the program or a piece of it being referenced by another part of the system?
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Now we must delete each piece of a program individually before deleting the program?

I just tried this in our instance - it still works as it always has.  Per Josh's recommendation, verify that something else isn't referencing that program.
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Re: Now we must delete each piece of a program individually before deleting the program?

You need to delete any URL linked to a campaign in this program.
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Re: Now we must delete each piece of a program individually before deleting the program?

way odd. But that is the way it functions; but only at times. Our solutions rep witnessed himself. No pieces refered to anything outside of the program. Am willing to demonstrate to Marketo engineering if they are interested.
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Now we must delete each piece of a program individually before deleting the program?

We've experienced odd behavior like this as well lately (not specific to deleting a program though).  For example, when cloning a program - and defining the new program name - all references to that program should change to the new program name.  Unfortunatley, it's hit-or-miss.  Sometimes it changes to the new program name; other times it retains the source program name.  This makes it very frustrating when we have to move that cloned program to a new workspace - and it doesn't allow you to since it's referencing a local program outside of the cloned program.
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Re: Now we must delete each piece of a program individually before deleting the program?

There is nothing in the campaign that is linked to nor does it reference anything outside of the program. Local assets when delete apppear to be gone but the folder that help them is undeletable. CS can see assets in said folders on the back end. Link to an example for Marketo is .
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Now we must delete each piece of a program individually before deleting the program?

It might be worth submitting a support case. 

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Re: Now we must delete each piece of a program individually before deleting the program?

I have the same problem and it's very frustrating. I cannot delete a program until I remove all references to a form from LPs and Smart campaigns.