Re: Not showing drop down values for the New value and Previous value fields in Custom Object updated trigger

Level 1

Not showing drop down values for the New value and Previous value fields in Custom Object updated trigger


Can any one help me on this. I have created a custom object and data is imported but when i use the trigger as Custom object name updated trigger in that when we select the trigger attribute in the add constraints if we take New value and Previous value actually those are drop down fields but unfortunately we dont see the values in the drop down. Is this the expected behavior? Do we need to enter values manually for the New value and Previous values constraints.  

Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Not showing drop down values for the New value and Previous value fields in Custom Object updated trigger

Yes, that's probably because you have created a new custom object and imported data to it via list import, so people might not have CO values in the activity log for Marketo to reference (that's how it works for the non-picklist flat fields in Marketo); however, despite values not showing in the dropdown, even if you just manually enter the value(s) and save it, it should work fine.