Not receiving sample emails

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Not receiving sample emails


I'm having issues with the 'send sample email' option. There are two marketo emails that I just can't seem to get a sample email from. I've tried different email addresses and it still doesn't seem to work. Has anyone else ever had this issue? Any input would be appreciated.

Thank you,


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Not receiving sample emails

Can you get a ​non-​sample email?

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Re: Not receiving sample emails

Hi Sanford - no I hadn't tried that yet as I was still in the testing phase. Thank you so much for reaching out though - I went by Darrell's advice below and changing the email addresses worked!

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Not receiving sample emails


In addition to Sanford's question - please check your from and reply to address in your email.

If any of those (especially if you are using tokens) are invalid, the sample email (or any email) will not deliver. If you run a test smart campaign with just your email address, smart list = email address IS youremail and flow step is send email, run now....if it soft bounces there is a good chance your from and reply to email addresses are invalid.


Not applicable

Re: Not receiving sample emails

Hi Darrell, thank you so much for your help. You might be right - the email addresses in the 'From' and 'Reply to' may have been invalid because when I replaced them with email addresses I knew were valid - it worked! Thank you again - lifesaver.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Not receiving sample emails

You're welcome! Make sure to mark the question as answered so other people know

Level 1

Re: Not receiving sample emails


I am not receiving any marketo emails. I checked and it´s just in my email the problem. Can you help me?

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Not receiving sample emails

Hi Natasha,

You should create another question so we know to review your question.

Are you having the same issue? you are not receiving sample emails?

If that is the case, make sure to check your sender email address and reply to address, both need to be valid email addresses otherwise you will get a bounce.

If that is not the problem, can you screen shot the problem or give us more detail.
