Re: New leads created by non marketo forms

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Level 4

New leads created by non marketo forms

I'm drawing a blank right now and need help - We use Drupal for landing pages and forms. We are trying to get data as to what new leads have been created on our product pages on our website. Since we aren't using Marketo forms, this limits some reporting functionality. What is a workaround for this? I was planning to just pull smart lists, however, the lead is created filter doesn't offer enough constraints to get the data. What are some other options?


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Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: New leads created by non marketo forms

Each form should have a corresponding Program, even if it is just Contact Us.

You can then use filters like Member of Program and Acquisition Program and Acquisition Date to help count up leads. Since you are already using Lead Source and LSD to help track the first touch, you can use those fields in the Smart List to count up the leads that way.

You can also do Filled Out Form X on Page Y. This won't work if you really aren't using Marketo Forms. But Lead is Created via API on Date X + other filters can also help.

If you have Marketo RCE, all of this data will be there as well.

As Ed suggests, this needs to be thought through before you report.

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Not applicable

Re: New leads created by non marketo forms

I assume you are using the API to generate the leads in Marketo.  If so you can update the acquired by field using that API call.

Level 10

Re: New leads created by non marketo forms

Hey Kelly, what field values are populated on the lead field? The connection between Drupal and Marketo isn't quite clear from your description, as there are lots of ways that communication can happen.

E.g., what do these values show up as for one of your leads that came in through a form on Drupal?



On your page there, it looks like you have a form_id field being populated—I'm guessing that's going to be unique to each form, and unique to each asset. Looks like that would be your answer for data, and it should be written to Marketo however you're doing that. You can trigger "Responded" on each of your content programs based on the "form_id" field value changing, and then look at your first program membership there.


Level 4

Re: New leads created by non marketo forms

Hi Edward,

We have several fields that update when a new lead comes in:


The only option i see using is the "Campaign was Requested" filter, except this would just show anyone that moved into this program for a time period, and not able to single out new leads.

Level 10

Re: New leads created by non marketo forms

Here are some fields and dimensions to look for:

  • Acquisition Program Name if it's set
  • Original Source Type containing "Web Service API"
  • Original Source Info
  • Lead Source Most Recent containing "Website - " (and it's similar first-touch field)

If "Web Service API" Original Source Type is only coming in through your Drupal web form integration, that would be a way you could slice the data—that is, you're not creating leads from API sources other than your Drupal site. Depending on how your integration is working, you can also check the Original Referrer field.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: New leads created by non marketo forms

Each form should have a corresponding Program, even if it is just Contact Us.

You can then use filters like Member of Program and Acquisition Program and Acquisition Date to help count up leads. Since you are already using Lead Source and LSD to help track the first touch, you can use those fields in the Smart List to count up the leads that way.

You can also do Filled Out Form X on Page Y. This won't work if you really aren't using Marketo Forms. But Lead is Created via API on Date X + other filters can also help.

If you have Marketo RCE, all of this data will be there as well.

As Ed suggests, this needs to be thought through before you report.

Level 4

Re: New leads created by non marketo forms

Since we don't have acquisition program for most leads, is it possible to use a Program Membership Analysis report in RCE, and filter by Success (new names)? Will this give me the same data?

Level 10

Re: New leads created by non marketo forms

Hi Kelly,

Program membership and success is not the same as acquisition program. One lead can be in a success status in many programs, but will always have one unique acquisition program, if any.

Since you do not have Marketo forms, you will have to manage the lead - program association in a smart campaign. the hard point will be to trigger that association in a timely way, so that the first program is really the first one. You will need a trigger for that. See my other answer below to learn how to get that trigger. Once you have the trigger, the smart campaign will have to set the lead as a program member and, if it's acquisition program is empty, you also will be able to set it (change data value, field = acquisition program)


Level 10

Re: New leads created by non marketo forms

Hi Kelly Schmid,

What Drupal module are you using to integrate Marketo and Drupal ?


Level 4

Re: New leads created by non marketo forms

Looks like we are using webform as our module.