New consent method cohort management

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Level 4

New consent method cohort management

hi all, long time no post (maybe I'm finally getting the hang of Marketo?!)


hope all are well.

in essence, we are plugged into an internal crm/db via api, and after much arm twisting are now aloud to add consents from other means (outside of this).


i am wondering how we are best to handle these new leads' in marketo please?

our IT team are very strict and want the internal db to be the single point of truth, but are allowing us to put in new leads via third party methods (and will hopefully facilitate this because i've not a clue), but i am wondering about how we'll handle this from a program point of view if possible please?
how am i best turning this cohort into consenting leads (just like the ones we get via api from internal db)?

i've found the 'person was pushed to marketo' filter i can use on the smart list, but not really sure where to go from here. 

Any help much appreciated as always.
thanks & kind regards, Mike




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Level 10

Re: New consent method cohort management

Any person that hits Marketo is by default subscribed. Or to make it more precise: They have "Unsubscribed = empty" which is functionally equivalent to "Unsubscribed = false". So if your API doesn't send any particular value in "Unsubscribed" - or any other field like "Opt-In", "Double Opt-In" or whatever other field you have created to determine marketability which might influence "Unsubscribed" through any Smart Campaign, your records are subscribed.

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Level 4

Re: New consent method cohort management

okay so i think i know the sl filter to use: person was pushed to marketo & source is x.

but in the flow i can't figure out how to remove only the first matching choice applies as per:



have i setup wrong?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: New consent method cohort management

Not really clear what you’re asking — you may be leaving out some rules that aren’t understood outside your business.


Your suggested flow seems the exact opposite of the meaning of the system field Unsubscribed. Unsubscribed = true means the person is not allowed to receive marketing emails.

Why would your external system not update fields directly (so you don’t need a trigger campaign at all). Is it using the Push Lead API, or are you just guessing that it will?


Level 4

Re: New consent method cohort management

hi Sandford, thanks for reply, so what i'm trying to factor in with that particular bit is that we'll have leads' coming in that won't have any marketing subscriptions, and we're wanting to switch them all to subscribed.


Our internal db could update them prior to sending upto marketo via api but we're really trying to avoid IT dev work where possible so would like to handle in marketo ideally.


i'm just conscious of altering consents incorrectly as we need to consider that someone may already be subscribed to some methods, but when imported via this method will need to be consented to all methods.


so it might be: if consented to x: do nothing, but if unsubscribethismethod is true, then change to false if that makes sense & provides any clarity?


thanks, Mike


Level 10

Re: New consent method cohort management

Any person that hits Marketo is by default subscribed. Or to make it more precise: They have "Unsubscribed = empty" which is functionally equivalent to "Unsubscribed = false". So if your API doesn't send any particular value in "Unsubscribed" - or any other field like "Opt-In", "Double Opt-In" or whatever other field you have created to determine marketability which might influence "Unsubscribed" through any Smart Campaign, your records are subscribed.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: New consent method cohort management

The point is your flow sets custom boolean fields named “... Is Allowed” to true when system Unsubscribed is true.


Why would you decide that if someone is globally unsubscribed, they’ve opted in to other methods?