Re: Naming and Organizing Your Marketo Instance

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Naming and Organizing Your Marketo Instance

I cant locate the document that would help me with the best practices in Naming and Organizing my Marketo Instance. 
Please help me with the same.

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Re: Naming and Organizing Your Marketo Instance

Hi Sandhya,

Here's a discussion from some Marketo folks before that includes ideas that I have put into practice. And this Marketo University webinar includes a section about naming conventions as well. Hope they help!
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Re: Naming and Organizing Your Marketo Instance

We have our Marketing Activities organized by year. This way we can archive the previous years easily. But then we also have folders for scoring, data management, forms, etc.

As for naming, I prefer to have the date first and then the name and location. Ex: 2013.07.15 - Big Launch Webinar - (if event, I'd put locaiton here)

And another thing I find helpful when naming steps within a program is to number them... this way they're listed in the order you'll be activating them and it makes it easier to get a hold of... 1) Registration 2) Invite #1 3) Invite #2 4) Reminder 5) Follow-up etc.

Hope this helps 🙂