MyToken displays different outputs in the Preview and Actual Testing.

Level 2

MyToken displays different outputs in the Preview and Actual Testing.



#set($x = $date.calendar)
#foreach($Meeting in $Activity_Marketo__cList)
#set($Appointment_Start = $date.toDate("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss a", $Meeting.Appointment_Start_DateTime_Text__c))
#set($is_upcoming = $date.difference($x.time,$Appointment_Start).days)
#set($formattedDate = $date.toDate("hh:mm:ss", $x.time))
#set($splitData = $Meeting.Appointment_Start_DateTime_Text__c.split(" "))
#set($leadHeader = $display.list($Meeting.Appointment_Start_DateTime_Text__c.split(" "),"<br>"))
#if($is_upcoming == 1 && !$Meeting.StartDateTime__c.isEmpty() &&  $Meeting.Meeting_Sub_Type__c == "Initial" && $display.alt($Meeting.Meeting_Status__c,"").isEmpty() && !$Meeting.Meeting_Origin__c.isEmpty() && $Meeting.Event_Type__c == "Prospect Meeting" && $Meeting.IsChild__c == 0)
$splitData[0] <br>
#set($time = $splitData[1].split(":"))
$time[0]:$time[1] $splitData[2] $splitData[3] 
##$Meeting <br>
##$Appointment_Start<br />
##Meeting SubType: $Meeting.Meeting_Sub_Type__c
##Differences: $is_upcoming <br />



The records are qualified in the Smart campaigns.


We need to fetch the Meeting date after 2 days if all the condition added in the IF conditions satisfied. If we check in the Email preview it shows the correct Date (03/11/2021 01:00 AM PST) but When we run the campaign it shows nothing- Empty space 😞


Records have all the details correct added in the IF condition.


Can somebody please help with this ASAP.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: MyToken displays different outputs in the Preview and Actual Testing.

You need to provide the unfiltered output of your list - just dump ${Activity_Marketo__cList} in an email (a real email, not a sample).


We don't have access to your instance, remember, so references to your keys and values don't mean anything to us without seeing sample data.

Level 2

Re: MyToken displays different outputs in the Preview and Actual Testing.



For your reference, the business context and data here is like we have multiple meeting details for the future appointments and the mytoken is pulling those meetings based on lag difference.


Here we figured out that if we have more than 10 meetings in line, Marketo only takes 10 Meetings from the Array and not more than that while sending the emails through campaigns.


Can you please throw some light here that it takes up the latest one or the old ones.
Along with that is there any way we can extend the number of Limit from 10 to 20 in the Array?


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: MyToken displays different outputs in the Preview and Actual Testing.

You haven't provided the information I requested above.  Once you do that, we can continue.

Level 2

Re: MyToken displays different outputs in the Preview and Actual Testing.

Hey @SanfordWhiteman ,

Below is the screenshot of Array without filter. I hope this is what you are referring.

PS: There are more than 10 meetings of a single record which could not be covered in this screenshot.



Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: MyToken displays different outputs in the Preview and Actual Testing.

Please replace the screenshot with actual text (Insert/Edit Code Sample). Thanks.