Re: Munchkin tracking and Unbounce

Level 1

Munchkin tracking and Unbounce

I've created a number of Unbounce landing pages and have installed the Munchkin tracking code on them. Unfortunately, it doesn't look as if the activity data from Munchkin is flowing back into the lead record. When a lead submits a form, the lead is added to the static list in Marketo reserved for Unbounce conversions, but none of those leads have Munchkin information (AnonymousIP, Original Referrer, etc) populated -- those fields are simply blank.

Unbounce support had advised that I needed to create hidden fields on the form and map them to Marketo fields, but that didn't seem to work, either.

Has anyone successfully gotten Munchkin to track on Unbounce landing pages? How did you get it to work?

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Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Munchkin tracking and Unbounce

I was *just* working on my HOWTO blog post on this -- literally cropping screenshots. It's going to take a couple days to go up, though. As with most such platforms, there's a lot of hand-waving about so-called integration, but no one at Unbounce really understands how to work it. It is quite possible, though.

Level 1

Re: Munchkin tracking and Unbounce

Thanks, Sanford Whiteman! I can't wait to read your post when it's done. It's driving me crazy to not have the activity data associated with the lead, and Unbounce has given me some conflicting advice -- none of which has worked so far.

Not applicable

Re: Munchkin tracking and Unbounce

Hi Sanford Whiteman​ - looking forward to your blog post! Struggling with the same issue here.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Munchkin tracking and Unbounce

I did leave this hanging, largely b/c my CFO doesn't like expenses where I go, "Oh, um, that $99/mo is to do research for a blog post... gonna go cancel that now!"

I can show you how to do it on a sample form on your UB subscription, though. Write me at

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Munchkin tracking and Unbounce

Prashant MohanTania Bronstein​ I got Ada up and running on this so if you want me to walk you through, let me know.  I still am so busy I don't know when the blog post will be up.

Level 1

Re: Munchkin tracking and Unbounce

Hi Sanford - Did you ever write a blog post on this? We are implementing UB for ABM and tracking is a huge piece of the puzzle. Just curious if there was a "how to" out there.


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Munchkin tracking and Unbounce

It's not up, but I can walk you through it if you contact me offline.

(It's actually a lot simpler than many of my published blog posts, but I keep letting it stay in Drafts.)

Not applicable

Re: Munchkin tracking and Unbounce

Sanford, did you ever do a blog post on the how to for unbounce and Marketo?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Munchkin tracking and Unbounce

I never posted it, but if you hit me offline I can walk you through it.