Multiple Time Slot Selection on Landing Page

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Multiple Time Slot Selection on Landing Page

Hello all,

I received a request to allow multiple time slots to be selected (and reflected in the confirmation email) of an even landing page. I've searched all over, but not sure how to do this. Right now, the form is only allowing one time slot to be selected. Any help is appreciated!

Level 9

Re: Multiple Time Slot Selection on Landing Page

Unfortunately, out of the box, you won't be able to do this with radio buttons.  If you want radio buttons, you're going to need to custom dev work.

You're going to need to change your field to a "Select" field type in your form and then choose "Multiple Selections" and enter the values. 

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Multiple Time Slot Selection on Landing Page

Radio buttons are a supported type of Marketo form widget.

Radios are, however, categorically the wrong UI element for this since they are mutually exclusive, allowing *one* choice from the set. There's no such thing as multi-select radios.

A checkbox set (Checkboxes widget type) is the common approach.

Level 10

Re: Multiple Time Slot Selection on Landing Page

Here's a peek at the options in the Form Editor for context-

Using the Checkboxes instead of Checkbox will allow you to make multiple selections.

Using Checkbox acts more like a radio button (where one selection un-selects the rest) but with the checkbox look instead of the radio.
